DAF XF 105

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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moin community! ! 

I do not want one that thaws my DAf on the plate I'd be with you 
share. have converted him from ls 13 and taken completely apart and with new 
things installed. construction time ca 1 month was fine with plenty of coffee and to everything as it now looks. 
have played with many Coronas ie have lit it off completely 
everything went now lights from side lights to main beam ....... 
What can the DAF::! 

he got tagfahrlicht if you get in on it per se 
1 * F standlight 
2 * F dipped beam 
3 * F fernlicht 
drive when the flashing lights rückwärst 
saddle plates cover can be connected with x 
But look at the pictures. 
I think it's all said and can be seen, according to pictures also: idea: 
wish you many hours of play with my DAF XF 105 

mfg frankmanhh 

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- Zabrania si WGra th mod jeszcze, w nawet zmienionej formie! 

Prosz u | ywa oryginalnego link do pobrania! 

- Depending zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zm n né form! Prosím použijte Povodni odkaz ke stažení!


Scania Power
frankman ls15


  • 28 May 12:43
    Version 1.0


checksum: 18ad4bf080f00293bed801eb3ee90d6c
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: frankmanhh
price in shop: 185000 LS
name in shop: Daf_XF_105
description in shop: edit by Scania Power
Skin by Jacob89

24.05 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.73 / 22 Votes


nach 17 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
35.7 MB 2860
28. 05 2015 2,860

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