Czech Map

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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We are located on the map * Czech * Where are you waiting for extensive landscape together with 28 field together with meadows, not only did you care about their Field so but animals, there is a forest where you can thus cut down trees. Ran thus, everyone will be satisfied.

Not only that, the Increased area maps thus added a new purchase and it called. Train where you can see the old train ride (Šukafon)

There is therefore more difficult terrain and narrow muddy paths but so muddy field.

The map added a lot of sounds in terms of how to farm something you hear all the time how flows mock or reversing some ground. vehicle and the village is a beautiful village hear music. You'll find it here



Mods: super silo trigger, PDA Fix, door triger, manure mod

Mods for map: Manure mod


Author Coufy
Helpers: CSMC team, Venca, Cyril

  • 23 Aug 14:07
    Version 2.0

    Das ist neue version 2


checksum: d9bc7c885e17b42d9f8d4ca93ee5e225
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Marhu
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Czech map by Coufy V2
description in shop: Rozmanitá ?eská krajina, vonící po uschlém senu, zpívání ptá?k? a hukotem kombajnu.
checksum: d9bc7c885e17b42d9f8d4ca93ee5e225
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Defender
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Frontlader Schaufel (Used) Multifrucht + Baumaterial
description in shop: Frontlader Schaufel (Used) Multifrucht (30) + Baumaterial (3) Version 1.1:

Mit dieser Schaufel können Silage, Mist, Kartoffeln, Zuckerrüben und zusätzlich noch Gerste, Mais, Raps, Weizen, Dinkel, Hafer, Hirse, Karotten, Mohn, Roggen, Sojabohnen, Sonnenblumen, Triticale, Erbsen, Zwiebeln, Reis, Rotkohl, Weißkohl, Baumwolle, Grüner Weizen, Gurken, Tomaten, Häckselgut, Stroh (Weizen und Gerste), Gras (+ Heu) und Mischfutter (+ Mix) geladen werden.
Außerdem noch Sand, Kies und Schotter. (Transport-Missionen)
Diese ist sehr gut geeignet für den "Alternative Tipping - Mod".
checksum: d9bc7c885e17b42d9f8d4ca93ee5e225
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: TMT,Farok
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Czech map by Coufy V2
description in shop: Rozmanitá ?eská krajina, vonící po uschlém senu, zpívání ptá?k? a hukotem kombajnu.
checksum: d9bc7c885e17b42d9f8d4ca93ee5e225
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Coufy
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Czech map by Coufy V2
description in shop: Rozmanitá ?eská krajina, vonící po uschlém senu, zpívání ptá?k? a hukotem kombajnu.
checksum: d9bc7c885e17b42d9f8d4ca93ee5e225
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Defender
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Czech map by Coufy V2
description in shop: Rozmanitá ?eská krajina, vonící po uschlém senu, zpívání ptá?k? a hukotem kombajnu.
checksum: d9bc7c885e17b42d9f8d4ca93ee5e225
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Giants + Steve007 (Used + Multifruit + Baumaterial)
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Czech map by Coufy V2
description in shop: Rozmanitá ?eská krajina, vonící po uschlém senu, zpívání ptá?k? a hukotem kombajnu.

Modhoster user rating
4.77 / 94 Votes


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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 2013
209 MB 31217
23. 08 2014 31,217

2 Comments for Czech Map

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  1. Paco86 28. 08 2014

    Sorry I don't speak german. I strongly recommend this map, is amazing!... But I think that it should have a milk sell point (or a milk truck). For now, 5 stars!.

  2. Jukka 23. 08 2014

    Best map ever :D I will play only multiplayer :D
