To install just place the files in the correct folders and put the following replacing all motor lines in the sound xml:
P.S remember to type the name of the appropriate engine you want from EGR or EGR delete.
<motor template="engineLarge" file="sounds/cummins_isx_EGR_loop.gls" volumeScale="2.5" linkNodeOffset="0 2 2.0"/>
<motor template="indoorCabinRumble" />
<retarder file="sounds/turbo_loop.gls" linkNode="0>" innerRadius="23.0" outerRadius="90.0" pitchScale="1">>
<volume indoor="0.5" outdoor="1" >
<modifier type="MOTOR_LOAD" value="-0.00" modifiedValue="0.0" />
<modifier type="MOTOR_LOAD" value="0.00" modifiedValue="0.0" />
<modifier type="MOTOR_LOAD" value="0.25" modifiedValue="0.1" />
<modifier type="MOTOR_LOAD" value="0.70" modifiedValue="0.45" />
<modifier type="MOTOR_LOAD" value="1.00" modifiedValue="0.65" />
<modifier type="MOTOR_RPM_REAL" value="500" modifiedValue="0.50" />
<modifier type="MOTOR_RPM_REAL" value="1000" modifiedValue="1.0" />
<lowpassGain indoor="0.7" outdoor="1"/>
21 Jun 09:55Version
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