This tool is not a classic mod, but a program that I've created me to move the Cowzone, because I'm too lazy to create my new NavMesh or edit the CattleMeadow by hand using an editor to yes 3 - 4 hours take. With my tool you will need 3 - 4 minutes!
Just start tool, "CattleMeadow.I3D" open, specify the values ??to which you want to move and start. Then rename the newly created file and open it in CattleMeadow.I3D with GE. Move as the last nor the TransformGroup Cattle'Meadow to the same values ??and ready.
I tested this tool several times under WinXP and Windows 7 and it worked perfectly. Nevertheless, I accept no liability, so before you make a backup copy. If the tool may not start, it may be that you need the latest Microsoft frameworks.
Private You can use it as you wish, it can also like to offer somewhere else to download. Commercial use is prohibited.
24 Aug 17:46Version
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