Currently for game version or or
Needs the mod "Market Addition V2"
In 1.5: if your save game doesn't load:
- Remove "Market Addition V2" and "Covered Bridge V3" from the edit list of your saved game
- Add again "Covered Bridge V3"
If this still doesn't work, please, contact me on discord.
In 1.6 the gate is broken
Menu monument, needs stones and planks.
Contains houses with various colored roof. You can assign a function to each one: tailor's workshop, or FOOD, GOODS or LUXURY shops which can be set on the lateral minor attachement points on the bridge. The gate and wooden coverages can be set on the minor attachement points which are floating above the bridge.
The tailor is selling his production in his workshop.
You also have the options of "Hatmaker" and "Knife grinder" workshops.
Special thanks to Maxime from Polymorph Games for the help about the quaternion.
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If you wish to see my other creation:
14 Jul 18:49Version 3.1.5
Adds the dependency with "Market Addition V2"
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