The courseplay OSM Course Converter enables you to edit
courses generated in game afterwards.
Since operation of this tool is not trivial,
we highly suggest reading the manual on our GitHub page!
Latest version and manual always on Github:
The OSM Converter converts courseplay courses into OSM format,
they then can be edited in the free tool OSM Editor,
and after this converted back for use in game.
New in Version 1.0.5:
+ Converter now supports older courses created by early courseplay beta
+ Fixed an error when creating or adding addtional waypoints kann
- Editing of existing courseplay courses in an editor via drag and drop
- change radius of curves, remove waypoints, change drive speed
- simple import and export of courseplay courses into OSM format
- pda map file can be used as background for better orientation
This solution needs some initial setup,
but provides all the features of old and now defunct editors,
here we provide an option to closed source solutions.
Have fun using our tool, looking forward to your feedback!
New in Version 1.0.4:
+ Background image can now be extracted from Map or ModMap.ZIP to .png automatically
+ prdifined standard callibration file for background images
+ Improved error messages
Script: Yankee
Tester: Gadarol
11 Apr 23:48Version 1.0.5
Neu in Version 1.0.5:
+ Der Converter unterstützt nun auch alte, bisher nicht unterstützte Kurse
+ Fehler behoben der beim Hinzufügen neuer Wegpunkte auftreten kann
+ Converter now supports older courses created by early courseplay beta
+ Fixed an error when creating or adding addtional waypoints kann -
09 Apr 19:02Version 1.0.4
+ Neues Feature: Hintergrundbild aus MAP oder Modmap ZIP-Dateien ziehen und als .png speichern
+ Bessere Fehlerbeschreibungen und Rückmeldungen
+ Fehlermeldungen werden nun automatisch in die Zwischenablage kopiert+ New feature: Background image can now be extracted from map or modmap and saved as .png
+ Improved error messages and feedback
+ Errors are now automatically copied to clipboard -
05 Apr 21:27Version 1.0.2
Fehler behoben der auftritt, wenn die Datei courseManager.xml einen Kurs mit Attribut isUsed="false" enthält
03 Apr 13:18Version 1.0
by Gadarol
ago almost 6 years
by Gadarol
ago almost 6 years
by Gadarol
ago almost 6 years
by Gadarol
ago almost 6 years
0 Comments for Courseplay 6 Editor OSM Converter for FS19