Here the long desired Abfahrhelfer for LS 2011 in the first version. This version is multiable of player topically only partly. He can be served only by the Host of the play.
UPDATE: Now Courseplay there is also as an EXE Mod. Thank you in
But also with the Exe the entries must be still inserted in the tractor.
For all do not know like one something like that integrates here there is a ready stack:
I. Installation instruction
1. Copy the archive in the list C:\Users\dein Username\MyGames\FarmingSimulator2011\mods
2. Now the archive of the tractor entpacken you want to provide with the Abfahrhelfer and in the moddesc.xml following entries make
afterwards the files again zurückpacken.
One can save the whole Entpacken and stacks with the Totalcommander or Winrar, because he makes the Entpacken and stacks automatic.
Open here simply the archive, file work on, store, close and zurückpacken confirm.
II. Operating instructions
The control of the Abfahrhelfers functions in the essential key free with the mouse because in the farmer's shaft simulator very much rah are.
With a click on the right mouse key you activate the Courseplay HUD in to her the Abfahrer can configure. Some functions like Abfahrer it are additional start and stop also over the keyboard about the keys NUMPAD 7 to NUMPAD 9 occupied.
If you the HUD open the mouse price increase is automatically activated. That is you are not able to do yourselves with the mouse any more umgucken. To deactivate the mouse price increase you must simply click over again on the right mouse key.
Alternatively you can also click on the red X on top on the right in the HUD. Besides, the HUD is closed and the mouse price increase is deactivated again.
The HUD is divided into several undersides. You can change this with the blue arrows in the upper area of the HUDs.
In the middle area of the HUDs you can carry out on every underside would pass away settings or orders give. Clicks in addition simply on the desired action.
In the lower area of the HUDs her info about your Abfahrer finds the loaded course and the topical status. There you can store by also click on the disk your well-worn course.
HUD "Abfahrhelfer of control":
Course recording begin:
With this option the admission mode of the Abfahrhelfers is activated. You can run with it the course of the Abfahrer should go later.
With activation are put at the beginning of three kegs in the distance of 10-20 metres. You should pay attention to the fact that you go up to the third barrel as far as possible straight ahead.
If her this function have activated you can deactivate with the right mouse key the mouse price increase with it you can also look around while running the course.
Course recording finish:
This action is only in the admission mode vergügbar and serves in addition to finish this. Clicks on this function if to her the terminator point of your well-worn route have reached.
It is advisable that the terminator point about 10 metres lies before the starting point and that one roughly from the direction comes to those of the Abfahrer with the starting point should also go on.
Here put waiting point:
In the admission mode you have to put the possibility on the distance waiting points. In these points will stop of the Abfahrer later while removing till one him by hand further sends.
If an Abfahrer has reached a waiting point it is indicated you in the lower screen edge.
Abfahrer put:
If her one course have driven now you can put the Abfahrer. Besides, is activated of the Abfahrhelfer and removes well his route.
Abfahrer dismiss:
You can dismiss the activated Abfahrer of course also any time or stop.
If to her the Abfahrhelfer is activated later again he his route in the letzen point continue.
go on:
This option is available to you if the Abfahrer a waiting point has reached.
Remove-type change:
So that the Abfahrhelfer can do possibly many duties there are different Abfahrhelfer types.
The topical type is indicated in the lower area of the HUDs. With click on this action you can go through the types.
Type: Abfahrer
The type Abfahrer waits in the starting point to him then only the route is fully loaded and removes. If he on his route about an Abkippstelle comes he stops and empties his (n) follower.
However, one can also say the Abfahrer in the starting point that he should set off immediately.
Type: Infers
The combined mode is as the Abfahrer mode with the difference that the Abfahrer in the starting point does not wait to him is loaded separate independently to a thrasher or shredder on the topical field goes and serves this.
If all hangers are full the second keg on his route starts of the Abfahrer and removes from then on the route like the normal Abfahrer.
With it the combined mode functioned the starting point of the Abfahrers must absolutely lie on the same field on the thrasher or the thrashers (she) are.
Type: Überladewagen
With the type Überladewagen goes of the Abfahrer also directly to the thrasher or shredder and removes afterwards his route. The difference, on this occasion, is that the Überladewagen "waiting points" is of use as "an Abladepunkte".
If the Überladewagen is full he removes his route up to the waiting point and goes on there automatically if the Überladewagen is empty.
Type: Transportation
Type: Transportation
In this mode merely his route sets off of the Abfahrer. He does not wait in the starting point and will also not unload in Abladestellen.
This mode is suited to bring itself in connection with waiting points around tools to the field or, for example, also on other courts.
Road points extinguish:
If a course has driven you can put back about this option the course again. Besides, the stored course will not separate from the configuration data extinguished only the topical Abfahrer again put back.
HUD Course store
In the lower Breich of the Huds her one disk finds. If her one course have driven you can store by click on the disk your course.
Besides, an input mask is indicated in the upper area. Here you can award with the keyboard a name for your course and confirm this with ENTER (input key).
Tip: Topically the control of the play is still active in the memory mode. That is if you, for example, "e" press, unfortunately, you still get out of the vehicle.
In this case simply again get and further tap. This problem is repaired in a later version of course.
HUD "courses administer":
On diser underside of the HUD her one overview of your stored courses finds. You can load by click on the folder symbol a course and extinguish a course completely by a click on the red X.
With the blue arrows on the top right and on the right below you can turn the leaves by the stored courses.
HUD "settings Combi mode":
These settings are valid (as the name indicates it) only for the combined mode and the Überlademodus. Herewith you can adapt your Abfahrer to the respective thrasher.
You can adapt the values with a click on +/-symbol besides
lateral ones. Distance
This value defines the lateral distance him an Abfahrer to the thrasher or shredder with alongside go should keep.
Start with %:
This value firmly lays from which filling state of the thrasher of the Abfahrer to him goes and him abtankt.
With shredders it is fixed by this value since when the second Abfahrer in the chain to the first one should ride behind.
Turn radius:
This value is important only with the Häckseln and fixes as far of the Abfahrer with the turn of the shredder of him should leave without him in the way to stand.
Pipe distance:
This value fixes as far of the Abfahrer with alongside drive up or should go back. Herewith can be moved of the Abfahrer to different followers.
HUD "thrasher administer":
Also these settings are relevant only for the combined mode. Here you can put on account of the Abfahrer to themselves automatically a thrasher or shredder should search (standard) or he a by hand assigned thrasher should be of use.
If her one thrasher assigns by hand this must also not stand on the same field. The Abfahrer goes from his starting point automatically to the thrasher, all the same where this is.
Interesting this setting is not always functioned above all with big or hilly fields on those the automatic allocation and on fields without cultivator's texture, e.g., meadows.
HUD "speed":
Here you can fix as fast your Abfahrer should go. I think sometimes the settings are explicatory itself ;)
Lautschreier/Wolverin0815/HummelDie Entwicklung von courseplay war wohl etwas "ungewöhnlich"
Die Grundversion hat "lautschreier" Anfang des Jahres begonnen. Diese konnte bereits Kurse einspeichern und abfahren.
Mitte Februar wurde ich (hummel/netjungle) auf dieses Projekt bei aufmerksam und beschloss da etwas mitzuhelfen.
Aus "etwas mithelfen" wurde eine krankhafte Sucht und das Ergebnis heißt heute courseplay
Ein besonderer Dank geht also selbstverstänlich an Lautschreier ohne den dieses Projekt wohl nie gestartet wäre. Vor allem dafür, dass er sein geistiges Eigentum zur Weiterentwicklung freigeben hat. (Open Source kann halt funktionieren)
Weiterhin hat mich "Wolverin0815" auch sehr aktiv bei der Entwicklung unterstützt und unter anderem die erste Version des HUds integriert. Auch hier ein großer Dank für sein Engagement und seine Ideen.
Zudem geht natürlich ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an alle die bei fleißig getestet haben und ihre Ideen haben einfließen lassen. Die Enticklung hat mit soviel Feedback wirklich sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
Auch beim Erfinder des Path Tractor aus LS 09 "micha381" an dem sich courseplay natürlich orientiert hat, muss ich mich bedanken.
Und last but not least noch ein großes Dankeschön an mein Weibchen die mich in den letzten Wochen diesen "24/7 Wahnsinn" hat ausleben lassen ;)
27 Mar 20:34Version 1.00
by Hummel
ago almost 14 years
by Hummel
ago almost 14 years
by Hummel
ago almost 14 years
by Hummel
ago almost 14 years
by Hummel
ago almost 14 years
by FabioMo2325
ago almost 14 years
by FabioMo2325
ago almost 14 years
by flori97
ago almost 14 years
by flori97
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by sascha@MS1986
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by sascha@MS1986
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by GiveMeDrink
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by Joser200
ago almost 14 years
by Joser200
ago almost 14 years
by Slashammer
ago almost 14 years
14 Comments for Course Play
Can i add this to a Krone Big X?
guys please understand me! I dont understand not even word of german (sry), can someone send me private message with name of button to activate courseplay menu in game? danke!?, okay than kyou
i love this
i use it on almost every job :D
this is the best mod
das is echt cool der mod
bite stelt n video rin wo ihr den das instaliert
bester mod forever .!.!
Real good mod. Much better functional then the pathtractor of ls09.
To people having problems, just fill in the specialization to the tractor only! And after recording the route, everyhting works fine, and if its not going, tell the helper to go, its something like kurs sofort. So it drives the route first and then comes back and it works.
Only one prblem with 2nd and 3rd driver when haekslen. It doesnt drive close to the comebine while 1st is still loading. Is that normal? or has that something to do with the Einstellung?
Ich habe es auf die ford 7000
supper mod
Sorry i don't speak german but i just wanted to say thank you very much for this mod , it is awesome great job guys ;D
ich bekomm das net hin
Thank You Very Much!