
V 2.11 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Ib. Changelog - Changes since version 2.0

In version 2.0, unfortunately, were still some errors that have disrupted the multiplayer mode. These have been fixed.

New in this version is mainly that you no longer need to upgrade your tractor with course play. Simply the mod into Modverzeichnis and all vehicles are equipped with them automatically.

This change, unfortunately, you have all been converted tugs the entry "

Moreover, this version has been improved by combining courses.

Important: the file (v2 and less) from the mod directory MUST be deleted.

Ic. Changelog - Changes since version 1.6

The biggest change in course, of course, play the multiplayer capability. This will start the game all the values ??and even saved courses transferred from host to the clients. That can sometimes take a bit but necessary.

In addition to numerous bug fixes and performance optimizations are not here to be further mentioned, there are essentially the following features:

Course management: Saved courses are now sorted alphabetically and are immm stored globally for all vehicles. Therefore, no synchronization between the different classes of vehicles is no longer necessary and the memory usage has dropped dramatically.

Courses aufnhemen: Pausing the course record was revised. You can now pause the course record and delete the last waypoint. It will now only display the last waypoint and not all.

New: price Offset

This feature is still experimental and is intended to ensure that the stored course the tug departs slightly offset. This meant, for example, for ball collection vehicle.

New course combination:

You can now set a course when entering intersections. If you later invites several courses in succession which are always on the first common crossing point (the distance under 30 meters!) Together. So that you may also use parts of routes again.

The reverse has been optimized and should now work properly again.

If you save the game the settings are saved with your downhill. After the reboot you have to adjust normally be no more. The pre-loaded courses and settings should be back online completely.

There are also new icons for the specific waypoints and waypoints as intersections and entry points are also visible when you're not in the vehicle which has saved the route.

Id Changelog - Changes since version 1.2

New additions, especially the field mode with which you can Heusammeln and baling. The slurry was further perfected mode and it is now possible in the Abfahrhelfer Drescher and shredders installed.

So you can record for example with code phrases in the helper mode, the courses can be changed later for the manure or field mode.

It also publishes a control Abfahrhelfer from the thresher. You can start a call Abfahrhelfer, stop and change at the side of the departing chopper.

When Abfahrhelfer you can now adjust to how much he should leave early Prozenz level. If a downhill turn for example, a level of 90% and the thresher at the end of the field goes downhill from the same and not waiting for the turning maneuver.

In addition, the transfer vehicle travels at its dock point back onto the field when he has fallen below a certain level and konmmt overloaded for about 20 seconds for no other skier.

Wurrde also liked the Abfahrhelfer turn his beacon on the road - he does now;)

Then of course there were also some fine tuning: The senseless gyros on the field should now be over, HW80 turntable and Agroliner containers are also now supported. 

Ie. Changelog - Changes since version 1.0

As new features are added in the main mode of fertilization and the reverse. In addition, the handling improved (especially in corners) and it will be recognized more EntladeTrigger (grass silage).

In addition, you can now combine courses saved by loading several courses in a row. If you want to download only a new circuit you have to clear your now before the waypoints of the old.

In addition, the Abfahrhelfer is now no "hireable" more, which means it now consumes gasoline (Dünger..) While driving. So the skier will not just stand somewhere you get a warning when the tank is almost empty and with a minimum tank capacity remains the Abfahrhelfer stand still for one to get to the filling station.

The menu was still the "BUG" issue where you could control the menu with all the mouse buttons.

Of course there were many other minor bugfixes.

This time is an especially big thanks to Wolverine, who has implemented a large part of this update (fertilizer and reverse mode).

We continue to have a version 2 which is fully multiplayer capable, but the current version 1.20 is at least in the MP from the host to use.

II Installation Instructions

1st The archive in the directory C: \ Users \ your username \ MyGames \ FarmingSimulator2011 \ mods copy. That was it!

III. Manual


The control of Abfahrhelfer works mainly with the mouse buttons in free because Landwirtschafts Simulator are very rah indeed.

Activated by clicking the right mouse button you play the course in the HUD you can configure the shutdown. In addition, some functions such as downhill start and stop using the keyboard with the keys NUMPAD 7 to 9 NUMPAD occupied.


If you, the HUD automatically opens the mouse control is activated. That means you you can not look around with the mouse. To disable the mouse control you just need to click again on the right mouse button.

Alternatively, you can also click on the red X top right in the HUD. This is the HUD and closed off the mouse control back.

The HUD is divided into several sub-sites. This you can switch with the blue arrows at the top of the HUD.

In the middle of the HUD you can click on each different base settings or give commands. Simply click on the desired action.

At the bottom of the HUD information you find on your downhill course and charged the current status. There you can click through to the disk also save your quote retracted.

HUD "Abfahrhelfer control":

Course start recording:

With this option, the recording mode is activated Abfahrhelfer. You can retract so that the course should go to the downhill later.

When activated, initially three barrels are placed at a distance of 10-20 meters. You should make sure that you up for the third straight draft, if possible ride.

If you have activated this feature you can with your right mouse button to disable mouse control so you can look around you when entering the course, too.

Course recording pause:

If the course record with her run this function you can pause the course record. You will see a yellow arrow pointing to the last waypoint. In addition, you can delete in this mode the last waypoint.

Stop Recording rate:

This action is only for shooting vergügbar and serves to stop this. Click on this button when the culmination of your route have reached retracted.

It is recommended that the endpoint is located about 10 meters before the start point and one that comes from roughly the direction in which the downhill at the starting point should also continue.

This is where waiting point:

In record mode you can wait points on the track you set. At these points, the skier will later stop when exiting until you manually send it on.

If a skier has reached a waiting point you will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

Downhill set:

If you've been run a course you can now set the downhill. Here, the Abfahrhelfer activated and drives good from his route.

Downhill dismissed:

Activated the downhill course, you can stop at any time and dismissed.

If you activate the Abfahrhelfer later he will continue his tour on the last point.


This option is available to you when the skier has reached a waiting point.

Downhill-type switch:

This allows the Abfahrhelfer do many tasks as possible, there are different types Abfahrhelfer.

The current type is displayed at the bottom of the HUD. By clicking on this action you can go by their types.

Type: downhill

The type of skier waits at the starting point until it is fully loaded and only then goes off the route. If he comes on his route through a tipping it stops and emptied his (s) trailers.

You can tell the downhill at the starting point, however, that he should leave immediately.

Type: Combined

The combined mode is similar to the downhill mode with the difference that the downhill at the start point does not wait until it is loaded but independently to a thresher or chopper on the current field and moves it serves.

If all hangers are full of downhill runs, the second barrel on his route and goes from there on to the route as the normal downhill.

In order for the combined mode, the starting point of the departing necessarily be on the same field or on the threshers are.

Type: Grain Trailer

With the type of transfer vehicle travels downhill and directly to the thresher or choppers and then goes off his route. The difference here is that the transfer vehicle "wait points" as "Abladepunkte" uses.

If the transfer vehicle is full so he goes off his route to the waiting point, and there goes on automatically when the transfer vehicle is empty.

Type: Transfer

In this mode, the skier goes off his route only. He does not wait at the starting point and will not be unloaded at unloading points.

This mode is associated with waiting for equipment to bring points to the field or as to other farms.

Type: fertilizing

In the mode of fertilization Abfahrhelfer fills a syringe at the starting point or a slurry tank and then goes off his route. You take the field Abfahrhelfer to a waiting point is at the point where he should start with the fertilizer, leaves from the field and sets a waiting period at the end of the field.

Abfahrhelfer up automatically when scanning from the syringe / Liquid manure and turn it on, leaves the field until the tank is empty and goes back to refuel. After refueling, he makes at the position where he left off.

Type: Field Work (balers, swath)

The field work mode is similar to the fertilization mode. This course is a pre-recorded left field with speed.

As a special feature in this mode, you can attach as a baler. The round baler to keep this when it is full, and ejects the bale.

If one attaches a cargo car, the course is left until it is full, then the last position saved and left the course. The course should then naturally lead to a Abladetrigger over. There, the car emptied, and then he goes back to the field and continued his work on the last point.

The operating range of the mode field work must be marked as in the fertilizer mode by waiting two points.


If a course is run over this option you can reset the course again. It is of course not deleted from the stored configuration data, but only resets the current downhill again.

HUD course save

In the bottom of the Breich Huds you find a floppy disk. If you've been run a course you can save your disk by clicking on the course.

Here at the top of an input screen is displayed. Here you can assign a name with the keyboard for your course and confirm this by pressing ENTER (Enter).

Note: Currently, the control of the game in memory mode is still active. That means if you press for example "e" from yet its rise from the car.

In this case, simply enter again and continue typing. This issue is fixed in a later version, of course.

HUD "Manage courses":

At bottom of the HUD images this is a listing of your saved courses. You can by clicking on the folder icon to a course load and delete by clicking on the red X is a complete course.

NOTE: Since version 1.2 you will need if you want to load a new course until the waypoints old reset, otherwise it combines the two courses!

Use the blue arrows on the right above and right below it you can scroll through the saved courses.

Note to combine courses: The folder icon without the blue arrow combines the courses on the first common crossing point, which is related to the courses that the blue arrow just behind the other.

HUD "Combination mode settings":

These settings are valid (as the name implies) is only for the combined mode and the overcharge mode. With this you can customize your skier to the respective Drescher.

You can the values ??by clicking on the + / - icon next to adapt

lateral. Distance

This value defines the lateral distance at which a skier or thresher harvester must adhere to when driving alongside.

Start with%:

This value specifies at what level the thresher of downhill runs to him and abtankt.

Chippers is determined by this value when the second Abfahrer to follow behind the first in the chain.

Turning radius:

This value is only important during chopping and determines how far the skier will go away when turning the chopper from him without him being in the path.

Pipe spacing:

This value determines how far the downhill ride alongside or in front of the back should go. This allows the skier to move several trailers.

HUD "Drescher manage":

These settings are only relevant for the combined mode. Here you can set whether the skier is looking for a thresher or shredder automatically (default) or he should use a manually assigned Drescher.

If you must manually assign a thresher that can not be on the same field. The Abfahrer automatically moves from its starting point to the thresher, no matter where it resides.

Interestingly, this setting is particularly large or hilly fields where does the automatic allocation is not always and in fields without Grubbertextur eg meadows.

HUD "pace,"

Here you can define how fast your ride is downhill. I guess the settings are self explanatory;)



Die Entwicklung von courseplay war wohl etwas "ungewöhnlich"

Die Grundversion hat "lautschreier" Anfang des Jahres begonnen. Diese konnte bereits Kurse einspeichern und abfahren.
Mitte Februar wurde ich (hummel/netjungle) auf dieses Projekt bei aufmerksam und beschloss da etwas mitzuhelfen.
Aus "etwas mithelfen" wurde eine krankhafte Sucht und das Ergebnis heißt heute courseplay

Ein besonderer Dank geht also selbstverstänlich an Lautschreier ohne den dieses Projekt wohl nie gestartet wäre. Vor allem dafür, dass er sein geistiges Eigentum zur Weiterentwicklung freigeben hat. (Open Source kann halt funktionieren)
Weiterhin hat mich "Wolverin0815" auch sehr aktiv bei der Entwicklung unterstützt und unter anderem die erste Version des HUds integriert. Auch hier ein großer Dank für sein Engagement und seine Ideen.

Den Feldarbeitsmodus mit automatischem Pressen und Schwadaufnahme mit einem Ladewagen verdanken wir bastian82

Zudem geht natürlich ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an alle die bei fleißig getestet haben und ihre Ideen haben einfließen lassen. Die Enticklung hat mit soviel Feedback wirklich sehr viel Spaß gemacht.

Auch beim Erfinder des Path Tractor aus LS 09 "micha381" an dem sich courseplay natürlich orientiert hat, muss ich mich bedanken.

Ein dickes Dankeschön auch an Sven777b, der mir die entscheidenen Tipps zum Thema Multiplayerfähigkeit gegeben hat.

Und last but not least noch ein großes Dankeschön an mein Weibchen die mich in den letzten Wochen diesen "24/7 Wahnsinn" hat ausleben lassen ;)

  • 29 May 20:00
    Version 2.11


checksum: c8cad9bb09efebced40e54725fd7c38e
Version: 2.11
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Lautschreier/Wolverin0815/Hummel (
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

29.05 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.69 / 100 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.11
Farming Simulator 2011
472 KB 16280
29. 05 2011 16,280

3 Comments for Courseplay

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  1. Boognish 31. 05 2011

    bin begeistert. weiter so jungs :)

  2. Lakidup1 29. 05 2011

    das so langewilig selbrer machen das ist cool

  3. hillclaas 29. 05 2011

    LOL, Yep just like i said last time, one new course play every week, lol.
