Claas Lexion 770

V 3 AP Trimble pack by Spin1 from mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Pack-Claas_Lexion_770_multifruit_V3_AP_Trimble Claas_Lexion_770_Vario1200

Claas_Lexion_770_Trailer1200 Claas_V1050 Claas_V1050_Trailer


No errors in log, system 3.

Have fun with the mod

Spin1 from

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CLAAS Lexion 770 combine with new Reflections
Model: Shangri66; Ingame, script: Defender
Reflections: RSAntilles
Auto Pilot: Spin1, AP script by GotchTOM
OperatingHours: Spin1 from
ESLimiter(MP): Spin1 from

CLAAS Vario 1200 Cutter
"MultiPlane", Model: Maurermatze, Ingame script: Defender
fruittypes: wheat rape barley maize cotton potato soybean sugarbeet sunflower greenwheat

Claas Vario 1050 Cutter
Modell: Freddy, Ingame: Psycho, Script: Face, Edit/Dirt-Skin: Mofa-Killer
Fruits: wheat, rape, barley, oat, rye, triticale

  • 29 Aug 20:29
    Version 3 AP Trimble pack by Spin1 from


checksum: 0c1ff6db08e21285c2256b1bcfdfcc5f
Version: 3 AP Trimble pack by Spin1 from
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Defender
price in shop: 267800 LS
name in shop: Claas_Lexion_770_multifruit_V3_AP_Trimble
description in shop: CLAAS Lexion 770 combine with new Reflections
Model: Shangri66; Ingame, script: Defender
Reflections: RSAntilles
Auto Pilot: Spin1, AP script by GotchTOM
OperatingHours: Spin1, ESLimiter(MP): Spin1
checksum: d71ff9b63cdc1fe0b206fe696bd2b840
Version: 2
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Defender, Edit by Mofa-Killer
price in shop: 13500 LS
name in shop: Claas Lexion 580 Trailer
description in shop:
CLAAS header trailer 12m

Modell: Maurermatze
checksum: e5068fc1839da53de03c7a86c50cc677
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Defender
price in shop: 60400 LS
name in shop: CLAAS VARIO 1200
description in shop: CLAAS Lexion 770 combine with new Reflections
Model: Shangri66; Ingame, script: Defender
Reflections: RSAntilles
Auto Pilot: Spin1, AP script by GotchTOM
OperatingHours: Spin1, ESLimiter(MP): Spin1
checksum: 4425a84afd9341ab59e1ed5648320693
Version: 2
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Mofa-Killer
price in shop: 42800 LS
name in shop: Claas V1050
description in shop: CLAAS Lexion 770 combine with new Reflections
Model: Shangri66; Ingame, script: Defender
Reflections: RSAntilles
Auto Pilot: Spin1, AP script by GotchTOM
OperatingHours: Spin1, ESLimiter(MP): Spin1
checksum: c2090ad72383431b7cf03a49473ff307
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Defender
price in shop: 51800 LS
name in shop: CLAAS CONSPEED 12-75
description in shop: CLAAS Lexion 770 combine with new Reflections
Model: Shangri66; Ingame, script: Defender
Reflections: RSAntilles
Auto Pilot: Spin1, AP script by GotchTOM
OperatingHours: Spin1, ESLimiter(MP): Spin1
checksum: f4e5d3fd2f1593584ba0c6f74d1f883b
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Defender
price in shop: 3489 LS
name in shop: CLAAS header trailer
description in shop: CLAAS Lexion 770 combine with new Reflections
Model: Shangri66; Ingame, script: Defender
Reflections: RSAntilles
Auto Pilot: Spin1, AP script by GotchTOM
OperatingHours: Spin1, ESLimiter(MP): Spin1

29.08 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.31 / 74 Votes


nach 84 Stimmen

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V 3 AP Trimble pack by Spin1 from www.l...
Farming Simulator 2011
Lexion 770 pack.rar
27.2 MB 53260
29. 08 2011 53,260

5 Comments for Claas Lexion 770

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  1. is echt sehr cool

  2. addes 03. 09 2011

    ich suche den giants editor bei windows vista

    1 replies

  3. Hay na 31. 08 2011

    großes lob an modder

  4. saxony 30. 08 2011

    Wer Claas mag muss ihn haben ...
    Super Mod ....
    mfg saxony

  5. Fendt 4ever 30. 08 2011

    is da readme dabei...?
