Claas Arion 520

V 1 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Funktionen: ESLimiter Betriebsstundenzähler Blinker/Warnblinker Greenstar Lightbar Rundumleuchte


Model: Templaer & Wohlstandskind
Textur: Templaer & Luis/Little Brother1995
Reifen geändert: Luis/Little Brother1995
Modell verfeinert: Luis/Little Brother1995
Funktionen eingebaut: Luis/Little Brother1995

  • 17 Apr 18:52
    Version 1


checksum: 1d1bef91cfec0229c7e14e9e7d5caaf8
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
price in shop: LS
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17.04 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.71 / 7 Votes


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V 1
Farming Simulator 2011
6 MB 3624
17. 04 2011 3,624

3 Comments for Claas Arion 520

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  1. SpeedyCondor 18. 04 2011

    schöner mod otisch gut. fahrverhalten geht so. er könnte schwerer sein.

    die log ist NICHT fehlerfrei:

    Warning: converting 'D:/Eigene Dateien/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/ClaasArion520/ClaasArion520.xml' to utf8
    Warning: converting 'D:/Eigene Dateien/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/ClaasArion520/ClaasArion520.xml' to utf8
    Warning: converting 'D:/Eigene Dateien/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/ClaasArion520/ClaasArion520.xml' to utf8
    Warning: Material with id 0 not found in shape 'Claas Arion 640'.
    Warning: Material with id 0 not found in shape 'wheelRightFront_col'.
    Warning: Material with id 0 not found in shape 'wheelLeftFront_col'.
    Warning: Material with id 0 not found in shape 'wheelLeftBack_col'.
    Warning: Material with id 0 not found in shape 'wheelRightBack_col'.
    D:/Eigene Dateien/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/ClaasArion520/Model/ClaasArion520.i3d (7.01mb in 1896.66 ms)
    Warning: translation of topArm of attacherJoint 1 is not 0/0/0 in 'D:/Eigene Dateien/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/ClaasArion520/ClaasArion520.xml'
    Error: Mesh with zero triangles

    ein bisschen überarbeiten und gut ist er. washable und arbeitslichter und die hupe dazufügen und er wäre echt top.

  2. hillclaas 18. 04 2011

    Ok well, this thing has a "Collision Bug" when you load a saved game the tractor has an invisible barrier in front of it and it will not move, have to back up and go around the bug, too bad it looks and runs great please fix in V2 thank you.

  3. hillclaas 17. 04 2011

    This mod is very GREAT! nice job!
