This is the Chamberlain as you knew it in the previous versions. Converting and editing for LS 17 I have edited Beaconlights in the XML re-registered. Chamberlain attatcher works. Wanted to add still a lot always by and by that is the Chamberlain of the previous versions was edited by Charly 99 sorry that I have adopted this mod I found the tractor always cool if still questions or suggestions for changes are am open for it.I excuse Me schonmal for that I did not ask before the editing whether I can edit is my first worked out mod with some things in the zip file which you could add to the example, change blinkers etc. would like to build mirrors but there is no and Also other backlight.
Modell: charly 99
Idee / Konzept:
18 Aug 06:57Version 6
0 Comments for Chamberlain Converts from LS 15 to LS 17