Canadian Farm Map - Seasons ready

V 6.0 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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After being away from the game for a long time, I decided to upload fs19 again from steam and play canadian farm map. I realised that many things had stopped working properly. So I decided to build this map compatible with the latest version from steam and share it with you.

I tried to keep the map all original. But changes were made to improve it.

Instructions: download FS19_horschPack and FS19_JohnDeere_2410 mods in order to have all vehicles at start.



-Farm area rebuild, horses stall moved to Horse training area (north east).

-New Holmer t4.440 added to store with multifruits to his name, good to harvest all earth fruits .

-Pedestrians at horse training trails, silo at horse training (oat drygrass straw), waterTank

-Lights to alll shelters

-Added pigfood and forage to hayloft at farm

-Corrected small problems found on the map

-Snow mask updated, all roads, farm, commercial buildings are plowed

-All particles system tested

-New pda map and more.


Thank you all for your long time support.




  • 21 May 01:22
    Version 6.0


21.05 2021
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V 6.0
Farming Simulator 19
875 MB 1456
21. 05 2021 1,456

3 Comments for Canadian Farm Map - Seasons ready

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  1. gefahrgut 21. 05 2021

    Hallo eine klasse Map habe die V7 wäre es möglich die ohne Hof ( keine Gebäude Ställe usw ) zu bekommen MfG gefahrgut

  2. gefahrgut 21. 05 2021

    Hallo eine klasse Map wäre es möglich die ohne Hof ( keine Gebäude Ställe usw ) zu bekommen MfG gefahrgut

  3. hans75 21. 05 2021

    hallo sehr schöne map ,toll was mir noch fehlt ist der mohn ,,mfg
