
V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 22

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Welcome to the Burgenlandkreis, a region in the south of Sachsen-Anhalt. Adjacent to the Saale/Unstrut wine region.
The map was modeled on the region with 2 real villages and 1 fictitious commercial area
-67 fields incl. meadows
-19 forest plots
-Videocassettes as collectibles (note the toy is not for collecting)
In the villages you will find:
Farmlands Priessnitz
-Kuhhof Kriependorf (cows, chickens)
-Honey Fiedler (chickens,bees)
-Farm Schmiedel (pigs, cows)
-LPG Prießnitz (workshop, grain store)
-Sheep pens outside the village
-Lime mine outside of the village
-Dairy Farm (Place the crap plate yourself)
-BGA Priessnitz
-Agriculture dealers
Productions/points of sale Prießnitz
-furniture making
-Construction site
-Clothes of the world
Farmlands Janisroda
-Farmer Peters (cows, pigs) (Place the crap plate yourself)
-Shepherd Wilfried (sheep incl. fabric production)
-Timbering fam. Birkholz
-Pig fattening Janisroda
Productions/points of sale Janisroda
-Workshop with sales point for motor oil
-Restaurant "Local inn"
-sugar factory
-pet dealer
-2 construction sites for stones and lime/cement in the pig fattening
Farmland Industrial Park
-Logistic hall with mixed pallet production for supermarket
-Solar park
-2 building areas
Productions/points of sale commercial area
-Gas station with workshop and purchase of motor oil
-oil mill
-grain mill
-cement factory
We recommend the mods
- "MoreTrees" by KR Softwares (for PC players)
- "Platinum Expansion" by Giants
- "Precision Farming DLC" by Giants
Use the multiplayer map only in multiplayer and the single player map only in single player because otherwise there will be problems with gates, vehicles and buildings.
Now we wish you a lot of fun discovering the map!
Caution: A new saved game is required.
-Removed bollards at the dairy farm
-Tipping on the hall floor at LPG grain storage now possible
-Deleted flying objects outside the map
-Removed colli from traffic signs so they don't fall over anymore
-Fixed black traffic signs and information signs on Xbox ( hopefully )
-Car deleted in truck
-Fixed shepherd Wilfried entrance gate with wrong farm ID
-Point of sale animal dealer fixed error with bale acceptance
-Pig fattening Janisroda fixed, stables now work by buying farmland
-Hessian fermenter has been banned from missions
-Removal of bumps on the following squares: 7, 13, 45, 48
-added various collies to objects
-Removed honey palette spawnpoint to prevent farm ID issues
-added new maltex texture
-Fields created in the vineyard for the correct processing of the grapes
-Missing field edge designed in field 54
-Dairy farm stables and deco sold separately
-Farmer Peters,BGA and pig fattening Deco sellable
-Animalfood xml set back to serial to possibly fix the milk and productivity issue
Caution: A new saved game is required.
-Shelter in the Schmiedel farm building removed
-Trigger at pizzeria moved upwards because it was under the floor
-Gates at pig fattening removed from the connection to the farmland, which means they can now be opened by anyone for the sales points
-Filltype errors from the silos in crop farming
-Error solar park that no income is generated
-FarmID removed from buildings that have a connection to farmland
-Floating trees replanted
-Fixed bugs in the decoration of Farmer Peters and pig fattening
-Fixed invisible colli from a power box at the LPG
-Hessian Fermenter checked out of missions in single player
-Farmlands revised and the roads made special and another zero euro property made possible
-Vehicles given a different FarmID at the dealer
-Gates at the dealer, cement plant, grain mill and dairy now have opening times which are only open at certain times (when you start the map for the first time, these gates will only open at the next hour change).
-Added Fruit Destruction 2.0
-Added field grass as a new fruit
-Electricity and methane are no longer sold directly at the BGA
-Prices and recipes adjusted
-Added grass in the construction menu
-Yields increased and the soils were remade for precision farming in order to counteract the low yields during the missions
-GDR Storage hall at AgriLB fixed problems with the roller doors, but a new save game is required for the changes to take effect
Attention: No new save is required.
-Gate at Local Inn for MP Fixed bug
-BGA Farmland and XML errors fixed
-Grape harvest time corrected
-Yield of rapeseed and oats increased
-Plant management stack pallet collision fixed
-additional sales opportunities for sorghum and rapeseed
-Multiplayer bunker silos made sellable at the dairy farm (in a new save game)
-Duplicate buildings in the shop menu removed
-new pallets: silage medium IBC and cocoa butter
-Cotton and sugarcane removed
-new fruits: rye and triticale
-Fruit Destruction 2.0 adapted to new fruits
-new recipes for processing field grass, triticale, rye and cocoa butter
-The incorrectly delivered sign was replaced at the grape factory
-Mistake from Collis
-new dumping sump at Landhandel Friedrich
-new sales point for wood and building materials in Janisroda
-own production building in the construction menu for play and sports turf to place yourself
-Prices and productions revised
-Cement pallet collision fixed
-Fixed license and branding errors
Note: No new save is required.
- cement pallet collision fixed
- corrected bugs with harvest times and stages
- yield amount updated
No new save is required.
-added missing xml for multiplayer courts again
-Fixed texture error on a swing
No new save is required.
-new look of maize, canola and sunflower
No new save is required.
-Fixed issues with the Harvester from the Premium Expansion DLC (Thanks to Giants for the help)


nop82 and otti-peterle [NO-Modding]

  • 10 Sep 20:20
    Version 1.0

  • 20 Mar 15:34
    Version 1.0

  • 09 Feb 23:04
    Version 1.0

  • 20 Oct 17:34
    Version 1.1.0

  • 25 Jul 16:52
    Version 1.0


10.09 2024
Modhoster user rating
3.0 / 4 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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