so since the beginning of the Bourgault would Drill times for the LS 17:
Working width 15 meters
Speed ??19 km / h
Price: 98.000, - €
Content: 4,500 seeds l
fertilizer 7,500 l
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Idee / Konzept:
16 Apr 09:55Version 1.1
Mais und Sonnenblumen hinzugefügt
Texturen überarbeitet
div. Teile angebaut, Design etwas verändert -
12 Apr 18:03Version 1.0
by jerrico
ago almost 8 years
by jerrico
ago almost 8 years
by jerrico
ago almost 8 years
by jerrico
ago almost 8 years
by jerrico
ago almost 8 years
2 Comments for Bourgault IADS direct drilling machine with fertilization
When I use this mod and I save it and go off then when I start again all my equipment is lost,
you really need to fix the collision on thr right arm,it keeps going up on the fields and it's realy anoyng