Black Rock Valley HSSMF

V 3.0 Dual Maps mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Black Rock Valley HSSMF Final MAp Version.

HSSMF High Sytem Spec Multifruit.


All the information you need is here at the top, Please take time to read it.

Please make sure you delete the older version zip files and use the new zips.

Delete the older version game save. Start a new game save please, importing old data can cause problems and errors with the map.

Black Rock Valley HSSMF and SSSMF Final map versions.

This is the HSSMF version of the map.

Turn plant withering off upon starting your game.

Make sure you place the support zip files into your mod folder.

Just a note first.
 There's hundreds of additions and changes to the map that may impact on your PC system in gameplay performance. Both map versions High System Spec and Standard System Spec have the exact same additions. I myself can no longer run the HSS above medium graphic settings in the options, my PC simply isn't up to it. The HSS version was never intended to be used on anything other than HIGH end or Gaming PC's with very high specs. The SSS version will run on lower spec systems though that's why I created it.

Upon first loading the map grab a vehicle and have a good drive around the whole map to cache in the areas and smooth things out. Same applies at night put the lights on and drive around the areas to cache in, then save and exit. If it doesn't smooth out upon reloading the map you need to lower the graphics settings in the options. Then Save and quit and reload the map and start playing it.

If the map won't load and you have followed the installation instructions then you have a mod conflict. To quickly check this and get the map loading do the following:
 Rename your current mod folder to say mods2 so you don't lose any of them. Create a new mod folder and copy just the Black Rock Valley map and support zips into it.
 Load the game and select the map it will now load. Then it's a case of slowly bringing your mods back into the new folder and testing the map to find which mods are conflicting it.

Also If it loads but you are having problems with the new animal fattening installations like can't get in a shed, animals poking out of doors, animals not showing in the PDA store then again this is caused by a mod conflict. The map in a folder on it's own runs flawlessly and error free. If you have these issues all you can do is find what mod/mods are conflicting with the map and keep them separated.

Some fields are pre-fertilized at the start of the game, you can not re-fertilize them until you have ran a crop cycle.

Again some fields can't be AI cultivated until you have ran a crop cycle of your own on them. If you wish to remove the crop use a seeder like the Rapid to start the new crop cycle. You can however manually cultivate them if you wish.

Chopping down trees will eventually increase your framerate.

Using one of the animal transport trailers we have noticed that the new trailers have an animal fill choice on them. With the Fliegl the choice button is on the same as the load cover and sometimes acts up so if you have changed the selection but it won't fill move off the animal fill trigger, undo the load cover and reverse back again to the trigger, select start filling and it should fill. This applies to all the animal shed fill points and the market. This is not a fault with the map.

Here's what is new, this is not a small update.

East Ridge farm is now called Falls Farm and the Flour Mill is called East Mill.

Eisbearg's Egg collector added at the main farm.

Marhu's pallet movers are installed at the dairy, sawmill, and salad factory and move produce to sell triggers. The potato washers mover auto loads the potato steamer with washed potato's

Animal Prices now showing correctly in the PDA

All animals are locked to fattening, not breeding.

A brand new fully up to date detailed PDA map was created.

Triggers on the feed store have increased depth to aid with courseplay setup.

Farm triggers have isAreaTrigger back on again to aid in course play setup but you will get prompts for great demand at the farms and this should be ignored.

Animal fattening has been upgraded from Marhu's V3 to V5 so it has new features and works better. The installations are RC-Devils new mast's and include the new animals.

Animals can be bought in store or at the market. They can be sold at CMP meats or just for something different lamb and sheep can be sold at the sheep zone. Beef and cows can be sold at the cow zone. Simply back the trailer into the new gates onto the sell triggers at the zones and hit unload when prompted to complete this. Note this simply sells the animals it does not add them to the zones.

Farmer_Andy's straw store is added next to the BHP plant up the gravel lane behind the animal market. You can store straw(not hay) at this location and it has a built in bale shredder. Loader wagons and trailer of straw are also accepted.

Farmer Andy's Pig Forage Master is added at the animal fattening along with a steamed potato heap. A new storage silo was created to store the new pig forage feed. The silo has a digital display and conveyor and embedded fill planes and unloading particles for standard buckets and trailers so the load will look correct. A shovel trigger was added to the silo tip point so you can transfer the new pig forage from the Forage Master to silo easily.(NOTE MAKE SURE YOU TIP THE SHOVEL ONTO THE TOP OF THE HEAP otherwise the load may not count, watch the readout to make sure your in the right spot).

Farmer_Andy's Beet Master beet pulp machine has been added at Falls Farm along with a new silo system complete with digital readout and conveyor. Again Fill planes and unloading particles are embedded into the map for standard vehicles carrying this product. Some sell triggers are updated for beet pulp sales.

New Forage Silo's have been added at the Marhu's Mix Station locations complete with digital displays and conveyors. Forage has been added to sell some sell triggers.

Over 100 tall spruce and fir trees have been added mainly to the forestry trails.

Fuel triggers have been updated and work with combine harvesters now.

Farmer_Andy's Seed Master has been installed at the main farm, you can fill this machine with wheat or barley and it makes Red Seed2 which can be sold or used in seeding machines. Again it has embedded fill planes and unloading particles are installed in the map.

Wash bays have been installed at each farm and can each hold 2 large vehicles and come with installed power washer machines.

Farmer_Andy's salad factory has been moved to a location between the 2 large placeable areas in the north. There's an installed potato washer and steamer which are connected with Marhu's new pallet mover. The output capacity of the washer was reduced and the steamers capacity increased so production runs smoother. The salad factory still has the pallet mover which takes produce automatically to the sell point. Everything you need is onsite, seeds, water, fuel fertilizer and potato's. The Compost output on the potato washer has been updated with the normal compost_soil fill type now and the old compost fill type deleted from the map. There is a new compost sell heap onsite with shovel tip target for selling the product.(AGAIN MAKE SURE YOU TIP THE SHOVEL ON TOP OF THE HEAP). There's still the trailer trigger in as well and this is where you sell compost from the Black Rock Valley Composting Plant. Again with the steamed potato heap when filling with the shovel make sure you hitting the top of the heap. Steamed potato also has embedded fill planes and unloading particles within the map. The original salad factory site is now a huge area for placeable mods.

Pallet movers are still in place at Marhu's Sawmill and the dairy's Milk Max machine. At the dairy the milk sell point trigger for milk from the cow zone was moved slightly.

Owned fields at the start of the new game are ready for harvest. Remember to turn plant withering off at the start of the game.

Area trigger options were removed from the farm grain unloading grids in front of the farm silo's at both farms so the unloading icon will only show when you are in position over the center of the grid.

A collision boundary now surrounds the map so player can't fall out of the area.

Natural conveyor ground makers have been created and used where needed.

The BGA sound trigger was moved back to the tip point.

1000's of small area changes and detailing have been done. The Tree clip on the HSSMF version has been reduced to 900m. The SSSMF version has had the tree clip increased by 50m.
 Some shovel and trailer mods may not show the correct fill planes or unloading particles when used in Black Rock Valley due to it having them embedded. This is caused by the mods xml fill type overriding the embedded information. The embedded information allows standard equipment to show correctly. Removing the fill type from the mods xml corrects this in the map. The fill type can be left in the mods modesc.

There's plenty more but I've just forgotten what I've had to do over the last few weeks.

The redundant GRLE files were removed and should prevent certain server errors.
 Also the seeds fill type on the main farm silo was not used in the end but the Seeds2 on the same silo was.

I hope you get many hours of fun out of Black Rock Valley and if you find any issue's phone a friend I don't want to know, Lol.


Stevie map build design, error fixing and function, Luke_BK for custom models, Jerry Taylor & Perfect08 for huge help with testing, (Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, Eisbearg and Nils for models, inventions and scripts) & Robbie FS_UK for the blank starter map which saves a lot of time. Also to any user who reported issues for me to fix thank you, Stevie.

End of the final update information.


Original by Giants, Mod map by Stevie.
Models, Scripts and inventions by Farmer_Andy, Marhu, RC-Devil, Luke_BK, Robbie, Eisbearg and Stevie.
Testing Farming_JT, Perfect08 and Stevie.

  • 06 Dec 21:48
    Version 3.0 Dual Maps

    Black Rock Valley V3 dual maps update. 822MB Zip Package.
    Many changes have been made make sure you start a new game for V3.

    Update Information.

    Dual map packaged SSS and HSS versions in one file set and an english help text file.

    Soilmod Added.
    Compost_soil swapped to compost and made spreadable in the map and handled with multifruit handling.
    V3 all in one sunken tip point with built in manure and liquid manure sale added to the BGA.
    Soilmod Tanks added to the main farm.
    Geneborg soilmod textures added.
    Sunflower height raised.
    MIPS added to every building texture no more sparkling textures.
    Wood train and loading yard added to the map.
    Gold coin challenge and mysterious well added.
    FSModding manual gates.
    New Heap textures.
    New storage signs.
    Modular storage from Lakeside updated and added to map with large tip triggers, IFkonators bale to storage triggers and conveyor unloading.
    Layout changes to the both farm yards.
    Fruit farm added.
    New salad factory with lettuce and cauliflower greenhouses.
    PigForage machine swapped to Farmer_Andy's auger version.
    Tip grids added to installed mods.
    Small Changes to field layouts.
    Field edges cleaned up and grass foliage overlap foliage removed.
    Grass foliage and density of some fruits increased.
    Windrow Added for oat and soybean with multifruit conversion for forage wagons and balers.
    Seedmaster added to Falls farm.
    Seeds2 added to Fall farm silo.
    Double silage clamp added to the main farm.
    Cattle market removed.
    New tree textures.
    New updated PDA map.
    New pallet movers added including the sheepzone with auto sell point at the ends.
    Extra embedded fill planes and unloading particles now included for manure, compost and more.
    Multifruit file updated all standard vehicles, cutters, seeders and trailers work with everything in the map. Balers and forage wagons will work with the new windrows.
    Bale to store by IFkonator added to straw, grass, silage and manure storage.
    Texture work and hundreds of small fixes and changes made around the map.
    Great Demand should now be removed from the farm silo's.
    Sales triggers updated.
    File size reduced and map optimised.

    Other Map Features include:

    Fictional USA based map.

    Large planted forestry trails.
    Multifruit, sorghum, soybean, soybean windrow, oat, oat windrow and sunflowers.
    3 placeable fenced areas. 2 sawmills on the boundary with log sell points and wood chip sell points, MH timber with the Sageworx sawmill by Marhu with modified unloading deck.
    2 Farms.
    Seedmaster machines.
    MilkMax Machine.
    BHP accepts more than just woodchips.
    Milk Sales.
    BeetMaster Machine.
    Compost Master machine.
    PigForage Machine.
    Potato Washer.
    Potato Steamer.
    Water Mod.
    Chopped Straw Mod.
    Embedded particles and fill planes for all fruit now special modded vehicles required.
    Free range chickens with Auto egg collection on the main farm by the side of the house.
    Tested with soil mod and course play and dedicated servers.
    6 Animal Fattening mast's and much more.


    This map was designed to play on our systems and it does perfectly as intended with no log errors. However Black Rock Valley has far more map objects than a standard map and I understand that not everyone will be able to play this map as it was intended even the SSS version requires a good PC system and graphics card to run a playable frame rate especially when the map is running at full tilt and you have AI drivers working as well. Things that may help you frame rate, cut down trees, use less AI, have less mods in the map or spread them out, have less installed mods running at the same time in the map. It's not ideal but like I said this was always designed to run on our systems. The V3 SSS version runs higher settings for LOD, Terrain detail, view distance, tree clip and lighting shadows than a standard map. The HSS has even higher map settings and should only be run on a high end PC or gaming rig system with the best graphics cards.

    If you sell the pressure washers that are installed at the wash bays you will not be able to place them in the same location with the in game placeable option.

    After map optimisation and the last I3d map edit was done the cache files generated on my system have been removed from the file set for both the SSS and HSS maps. When you first load the map have a drive around all the areas, make a save and reload this will help cache and smooth things out in the maps a little quicker.


    Map design and creation, Stevie, Custom models, textures and testing Luke_BK and Stevie. Installed mods and scripts by: Farmer_Andy, Marhu, RC_Devil, Robbie FS_UK, Eisbearg, Upsidedown, Decker_MMIV, tater salad, FSMOdding, Geneborg, Ifkonator, Kastor and Webalizer.

  • 24 Jul 17:54
    Version 1.0 Final Version


checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Stevie
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: 1 LS
name in shop: StopMilkSale
description in shop: Platzieren und die Milch wird nicht mehr automatisch verkauft.
Wird das Schild wieder verkauft, wird die Milch auch wieder um Mitternacht verkauft.
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: JHML
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Marhu/Outbase52/REL1981
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: webalizer
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c01
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: RC-Devil/Marhu
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
checksum: c0183dcd9cf4de97431199e3690c36ed
Version: 3.0 Dual Maps
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Xentro -
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie
description in shop: Black Rock Valley SSS V3 by Stevie

24.07 2015
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3.95 / 21 Votes


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V 3.0 Dual Maps
Farming Simulator 15
822 MB 3753
06. 12 2015 3,753
V 1.0 Final Version
Farming Simulator 15
798 MB 2743
24. 07 2015 2,743

4 Comments for Black Rock Valley HSSMF

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  1. unregistered user 03. 04 2016

    My workers doesnt work :/ game crashes everytime if I want to buy a worker for harvesting. WHY? please help me.

  2. Great map! 5/5

    I installed all the mods that come with this map. But how to seed for example Sunflowers or Sorghum? Can't select that seed with my seeders!? The only 'other' thing I can seed is Oat.

    1 replies

  3. BertramMod 26. 07 2015

    I play the SSS but try download the HSS
    It a highly recomended great map whit many many
    hours of good time and task to do.
    It is rearly wonderfulll, thanks

  4. Tommy0680 24. 07 2015

    This map has been well worth the wait.
    You`ve done an amazing job with it!
    It keeps a man working for a living in the game.
    At the end of the day, it comes to this, i`m going to play this map tomorrow too.



    1 replies
