Big Tonys Hagenstedt

V Final mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Big Tony's Hagenstedt V Final


Here we are with the final version of Big Tony Hagenstedt. All new textures for all fruit trees, new grass buildings Breweries and bridges also a new sugar refinery called Lantic and they want sugar and are willing to pay big bucks for it. McCain Foodshas come to Hagesntedt . They are a major player in the frozen food industry and will buy your potatoes at a competitive price. Its a whole new world with that familiar familiar Hagenstedt still present. There are new fields and sell points animal zones were moved. And expanded There are 2 breweries as well. One in the village and take on the north side of the map and they both will buy wheat and barley. Prices are also quite competitive. Visit the castle as well and get a great view of almost the entire map. I hope this map is what people are looking for. It has only one fault, a small UV error, but nothing to worry about. I cleaned the log and made sure the game will run as expected This map is very detailed and will take a minute to load.. It does work just give it a second to load when you start playing you will realize why. Enjoy 


New access routes to parts of map to facilitate travel 

Clean log 

added food storage main courtyard near cows 

FREE Hay field (mow or plow. Its up to you) 

new 2 Breweries (wheat and Barley) 

Egg selling point at farm shop and so the village 

McCain Foods near the Dairy  (potatoes)

Lantic Sugar in the industrial park  (Sugar Beets)

have been added help icons, as it has changed a little 

Hi resolution textures 

withering off

New industrial park where freight yard was

Lots of neat details.


Note: This map will take a little longer than most to load but is worth it. I can run it on my machine with no problem in game. It has allot of details and objects. It is NOT a map for a low end PC or laptoop. It has high resolution textures and objects.


I bring you this great map Big Tonys Hagensteadt Final... Finally!!






Amarlich (Brookridge Farms)

FS UK Community


Omarthefirst ( Central Kansas )
Amarlich (Brookridge Farms)
FS UK Community

  • 09 Feb 16:17
    Version Final


checksum: 360003019092b17ebe19b206939c7e14
Version: Final
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bigtonytomato
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Big Tony's Hagenstedt
description in shop: Step into the world of Big Tonys farming experience. Take your time to absorb in all the beautiful scenery. I hope you will enjoy this new Hagestedt as much as I do!!

09.02 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.55 / 44 Votes


nach 23 Stimmen

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V Final
Farming Simulator 2013
191 MB 11385
09. 02 2013 11,385

9 Comments for Big Tonys Hagenstedt

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  1. avrel820 09. 10 2013

    Hello to All this map is the best that can be downloaded

  2. MatcoGuy 15. 05 2013

    cows will not produce manure. they produce lots of liquid manure but no regular? Any thoughts ?

    1 replies

  3. MatcoGuy 15. 05 2013

    Big Tony I love the map and everything is very well done. It must have taken a very long time. The one thing that I have found for me anyways is that my cows don't produce manure. I have 300 cows that are 95% productivity and produce lots of liquid but no regular manure. Any thoughts ?

  4. Coolice 24. 02 2013

    Bigtony Love the map, had too change the textures to run on my computer and it runs great....Thanks again from Canada, and love the bud shop drop....

  5. omarthefirst 10. 02 2013

    Great Map BigTonyTomato! I enjoy it very much especially the easy commuteing between sell points and the farm. I love all the buildings you have added and hope to see more maps come out from you. :)

  6. J Willy 10. 02 2013

    Went to the shop to sharpen some mower blades, cut my finger, kept looking at the scenery on the walls, LOL.

    Two thumbs up, thanks. J Willy

  7. Tutotata 10. 02 2013

    I can't wait to start playing this wonderfull map I'm a big fan of bigtony's maps since V.2 thank you so much for your effort to build this map

    1 replies

  8. twhip56 09. 02 2013

    with having the new sell points and (competitive price) are there still big demands and sales?

    1 replies

  9. dmac08 09. 02 2013

    The only problem i can find with this great map is when you spray a field it does not change colour(so i cannot see where i have sprayed)

    1 replies
