this is my first small model , the texture is not as maya exported as I wanted it to me .........
I have created the flap sowol the holder and the trigger itself .
This is a flap for the BGA bunker that can be made about the MapDoorTrigger on and
it mus be installed with the GE
No I do not locatable
and yes also the silage falls by the closed bunker , what should it really matter that beforehand open
the trigger for opening located on the left side , the flap also has a handle on the right side who is familiar with it ......
polygons 492
0.78 MB Vram ( high setting )
a little guide is in the RAR
the MapDoorTrigger is of course needed , slide it into the Modsordner
ge and patch 2.0 and 5.0.3
Terms of Use (these are not requests ) :
makes it what you will, without question must be installed in each map , I just mind if it is re-uploaded in this primitive state
used for distribution on other sites link to the original
have fun with it
10 Nov 14:00Version 1.0
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