The Better Winch mod enhances the in-game winch system, allowing it to attach and move more than just trees. It supports objects with trailer-type attacher joints, as well as dynamic objects like bales and pallets.
Developed in collaboration with Roughneck Modding Crew, this mod introduces a "hard point" attachment system that is automatically added to many in-game vehicles at trailer attacher locations.
These hard points can also be manually added to vehicles or objects in the i3d file, allowing more attachment options. They can take the following user attributes:
- thWidth (float): Width of the object along the X axis
- thLength (float): Length of the object along the Z axis
- thHeight (float): Height of the object along the Y axis
The attachment ring size can be adjusted using right-shift + colon and right-shift + quote. Additionally, the ring orientation can be changed with right-shift + L.
This mod is easy to use and requires minimal configuration unless additional attachment points need to be added to vehicles.
* Improved injected attacher compatibility with certain vehicles.
11 Mar 10:24Version
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