featuredBecause even now at last a few more maps are published with the SoilMod, I thought to myself, as I even had some problems, lets make a tool from which one can see what to do and when. And above all, what advantage it will cause. Based on the Readme for SoilMod and the tutorial by Geneborg is now that emerged from here.
What can this table do?
Actually, the whole thing is pretty self-explanatory.
After checking the values of a field ingame, you insert those in the table. Added to this are informations of the weather, the type of fruit, etc. When specifying the rainy days is to be noted, should it rain, the value for each hour that it rains, will increase the moisture by one stage. Ingame will only appear if it rains at all. How often and how long so is not yet clear at this time. So it is mainly the moisture that should be observed. (Tip: If there is too much moisture, you can, for example, replace the planned fertilizing with liquid fertilizer through the use of dry fertilizer.)
The middle part of the table is devoted to calculation of fertilizer application, etc. Here you can specify what and whether how many ever applied. Here will lead, as so often, many paths to success. So you can for example, decide before sowing a green manure, liquid manure, manure and compost manure, or let the chemicals do their job.
In each section can be seen, what it benefits. Thus, it is easier to reach the goal of the ideal values on the date of harvest.
These are then (the better the greener) also shown at the bottom of the table. Also the expected yield is displayed. Thus a certain cost-benefit factor can be seen even before sowing.
The negative influences by weeds are not included in this table. Because weed is not uniform and will not occur everywhere in the same way, so therefore only sporadically affects the values determined in the field, no value can be determined in advance for this. It will only issue a recommendation in section herbicide. It shows how much is needed to be largely protected from weeds. However, this is done as a function of the entries made in the beginning.
I hope this table is for one or two of use.
PS: More ideas and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
video tutorial by Geneborg: Simply search on YT for "FS15 Mod Showcase - Soil Mod Tutorial [eng]"
Update V2.0:
Now it's possible to change the language. Available are german and english.
It's now possible to open the table with Open Office and Libre Office.
The desired growth cycle is choosable.
All settings will be doe with dropdown lists.
If Herizid X is selected, green fertilizer is not considered any more.
Update V2.01:
Failure in the announcement of the fertilizer suggestion fixed.
Update V2.02:
Failure in dropdownlist of green maunure fixed
Open Office:
Libre Office:
09 Oct 01:04Version 2.02
Fehler in der Gründünger-Auswahlliste behoben
by bgo1973
ago over 9 years
by bgo1973
ago over 9 years
by Farmer_Steven
ago over 9 years
by Farmer_Steven
ago over 9 years
7 Comments for Calculation tool for the Soilmod
I was wondering if I can get the forumlas for the excel sheet. I have a way I think to make it easier for me to read so I can have something like this.
Hi there.. This is a great tool, but i found an error in "Tabelle1E8", if you change it to 5 or 6, "Tabelle1j10" dont change accordly
The manure calculation seems to be off. Too much for just cultivating and nothing for plowing? Is there a planned fix?
Nice work.
Very happy that the tabs can be copied.
Thumbs up!!!!
theres always google sheets, that can import the xls
could you make an english version, for the people that aren't german, because I understand some of it but it would be awesome if this was in english (or dutch)
Can you make it possible to copy the sheet so you can make a sheet for each field? And changing the tab into a fielnumber?
Well made. Very nice tool.
Gr Frank