Download download Mod 'Calculation tool for the Soilmod'

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7 Comments for Calculation tool for the Soilmod

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  1. keegaleach 19. 06 2016

    I was wondering if I can get the forumlas for the excel sheet. I have a way I think to make it easier for me to read so I can have something like this.

  2. jmj486 16. 03 2016

    Hi there.. This is a great tool, but i found an error in "Tabelle1E8", if you change it to 5 or 6, "Tabelle1j10" dont change accordly

  3. bgrg500 26. 11 2015

    The manure calculation seems to be off. Too much for just cultivating and nothing for plowing? Is there a planned fix?

    1 replies

  4. Nice work.
    Very happy that the tabs can be copied.
    Thumbs up!!!!

    1 replies

  5. fa285634 06. 10 2015

    theres always google sheets, that can import the xls

  6. quintto 06. 10 2015

    could you make an english version, for the people that aren't german, because I understand some of it but it would be awesome if this was in english (or dutch)

  7. Can you make it possible to copy the sheet so you can make a sheet for each field? And changing the tab into a fielnumber?
    Well made. Very nice tool.
    Gr Frank
