Bassumer country

V 7.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello Modhostergemeinde,

8,000 trees and 60 hours working later I have still managed to get the Bassumer country before Christmas ready. Everything I've re-done on this occasion. Only the farm and the village remained. Everything else I've turned to the left. The BGA has now been moved to the courtyard of the LU. Otherwise, I have tried to keep the old environment at. The nice thing is that the card is back to the character they should have originally. Through the trees with collisions we must now think up something like one puts the helpers here and there and sometimes you have to lend a hand. Thus, the map was originally thought sometimes. I firstonce dispense with further additional things such as swine and cattle because the map should firstonce run stable and error free.


What I was made ??in this version (7.0):

  • Adapted to LS 2105
  • All 2D trees replaced by the new 3D trees. Now all trees precipitable
  • BGA routed to the LU-Hof
  • Inserted Seagwerk
  • Inserted Garden Center
  • Building the mill changed
  • Inserted heating plant
  • Manure and Liquid Manure inserted (If you look down on the field)
  • Sunflower ready
  • Chopped Straw-ready
  • Animated installed Goals
  • Clover and alfalfa inserted


This is planned for the next version:

  • Block pig and cattle
  • Complete signage
  • Revise village
  • What you can think of

For the future I have planned to incorporate the economic cycles again. Whether that is already working on the next version, I can not promise. The plan is definitely back the sugar factory, a wood pellet plant and a food mixer. If necessary, again the dairy products. When I do that but I can not say exactly. Depends on how I have time and if it works smoothly with the scripts.


These mods you need:

I still empehle the Compass Mod.


So, now but a lot of fun.




Attention: This mod may not be changed or re-uploaded the map may be offered only to the original link in other forums or the like.! I ask for your understanding.



  • 29 Dec 20:03
    Version 7.1

    Trigger im Kuhstall gefixt. Stroh und Mischfutter kann nun im Kuhstall abgeladen werden.

    Es braucht kein neuer Spielstand angelegt werden. Einfach nur die Datei im MOds-Ordner austauschen.

  • 23 Dec 08:54
    Version 7.0


checksum: 420a895de130eed2816abbbf6341ca20
Version: 7.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: sirrobin
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Bassumer Land V7 LS2015
description in shop: by Sirrobin

23.12 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.44 / 59 Votes


nach 59 Stimmen

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V 7.1
Farming Simulator 15
210 MB 6669
29. 12 2014 6,669
V 7.0
Farming Simulator 15
210 MB 5306
23. 12 2014 5,306

1 Comments for Bassumer country

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  1. kalo20111 26. 12 2014

    why the cows don`t accept straw? i try it whit kuhn mixer and whit loader wagon noth....strange??
