Welcome to a small village at the Baltic Sea. Your farm is surrounded by the beach, but there is no time for a holiday. The fields and meadows should be easy to manage with medium equipment. There is also a cowshed, pigsty, sheep pen and chicken coop as well as a biogas plant. I converted the map for Farming Simulator 19, but I redesigned most of the map. So have fun exploring. The following features are installed: -multi terrain angle -seasons ready -increased limit for height Types for MaizePlus (PC only) -manure System (PC only) -Gates at dealers open at 8 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Required mods: -Machine hall by [DMI]20mmNormandy -Maschinenhalle by Danielx321 -Manure System (PC only) changelog 1.1 (PC) -collision next to the pig husbandry removed -manure system lagoon not pre installed anymore -all collisions optimized -position of the shed at the biogas plant fixed -biogas plant unloading station optimized -invisible plane above field 25/31 removed -farmsilo is now a multifruit silo -farm building replaced (note the required mods) AuthorRedkeinstus
01 Sep 12:25Version 1.0
3 Comments for Baltic Sea
Tolle Map, aber jetzt stürzt das Spiel immer ab, wenn man Felder kaufen möchte! Mir ist es aufgefallen bei den Feldern 44 und 49.
Könntest Du das bitte prüfen!?
Servus. Mein Problem ist, dass ich keine Tiere kaufen kann.
... mein altes Problem, ob mit und ohne Mods... es läuft nicht..
Kein trigger ,..... gar nichts