The AutoLook Around mod enhances your driving experience by enabling automatic interior camera movements to check your surroundings. This is especially useful at intersections or in tight spaces. The camera pans left, right, or back to help you spot traffic and obstacles.
- Quick look back function
- Console commands for customization:
a) Adjust look-around angle (min: 30, max: 100): ALAChangeRotation 45
b) Adjust look-back angle (min: 30, max: 180): ALAChangeRotationBack 165
c) Enable/Disable look back: ALALookBackEnable 0 or 1
- Enable/Disable look back shortcut: Ctrl + M
- Quick look shortcuts: Ctrl + Left
, Ctrl + Right
, Ctrl + Down
- Optimized performance
The mod works exclusively in interior view and can be activated by default using Alt
or Mouse 5
For bug reports, visit: GitHub Page
25 Nov 16:49Version
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