I make available here my personal Autodrive courses for the Map Mountain View Valley.
Parking spaces I have not created any, because I let all vehicles after work automatically drive to the washing place and then park themselves.
I also added blockade points for Autodrive, so that the drivers don't take unwanted shortcuts. I don't like drivers taking shortcuts across the yard or in a shop. This ensures that all drivers stay on the main road, unless the destination is in the blockade area. In order for Autodrive to be able to use this, you have to set "Maximum detour" to 1000m or 10000m in the Autodrive settings.
To use the courses you have to start and save the map once with Autodrive Mod activated. Then copy the "AutoDrive_Mountain_View_Valley_config.xml" from me into the savegame folder.
For memory level 1 this would be e.g. under \Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2019\savegame1
The next time the memory is loaded, my courses will be active.
wishes Happy Farming
Script: st1nger
Idee / Konzept: st1nger
Tester: st1nger
16 Oct 23:46Version 1.0.0