
V 1.0.0 mod for Foundation

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This is an advanced mod that changes the Promotion and Territory systems, and adds new pieces and jobs to the Lord Manor. The mod will automatically load the required dependencies: Vegetable and Poultry Farms, Livestock Farms, Furniture, and Orchard mods.

The purpose of this mod is to make the Lord Manor more interesting, to give more jobs that can be promoted to Citizen, and to create a realistic household and administration to assist you, the Lord, in managing your affairs.

New pieces have been added to the Lord Manor including four new and larger Halls, a kitchen, garden shed, and store rooms.

New jobs at the Lord Manor include: Exchequer, Councillors, Chancellor, Cook, Chamberlain, and Gardener. Each job also requires a number of assistants and helpers. In total you will eventually employ up to 30 people at the Lord Manor.

Authority is a new resource which represents the dignity and prestige of your household and administration. Authority, instead of Gold, is now required to promote villagers and buy new Territory. Your current level of Authority is shown with a small crown icon in the top toolbar. You must spend 50 Authority to purchase a Territory. Promotions expend Authority of 2 (Serf), 5 (Commoner), or 20 (Citizen).

You gain Authority by employing officers and workers to serve in your household and to administer your domain. There are several different ways to increase your Authority, listed below from simplest to most complex. Start with the simple ones, and add more as you need more Authority to promote and expand. Administrative buildings cost gold to maintain, so don't expand your administration faster than you can afford.

Lord's Chamber & Lady's Chamber. You now have the chance to put yourself in the game! Assign the Lord's Chamber and/or Lady's Chamber to one of your Lord Manor pieces, and pick villagers to become Lord and Lady. After assigning the person to represent You, rename them by clicking on their character and using the Edit button at the top of their villager card. The Lord and Lady will generate Authority when they visit their respective chambers.

Exchequer (Exchequer and Exchequer's Assistants). The Exchequer's office looks after your administration's Wages. You must have enough Wages to pay the officials in your employ. Build a room or tower for the Exchequer in the Lord Manor. Within the room, place an Assistant's Table from the Lord Manor menu. Assign the Exchequer to the room and Exchequer's Assistants to the table. The Exchequer will issue Directives to the Assistants. The Assistants will collect gold coins from the Village Center, and will produce Wages once they have a Directive from the Exchequer. If you run out of gold coins, no wages will be available and no one in your staff will work. You will not need more than one Assistant at first, and can expand later.

Council Chamber (Councillors and Council's Assistants). You can appoint up to three Councillors, and three Council's Assistants. If paid a Wage these Councillors will increase your Authority among the people by consulting with leading citizens and giving you advice. Any Lord Manor piece can be used as a Council Chamber. Within the Council Chamber, place an Assistant's Table and assign Council's Assistants. These assistants will collect the required Wages for your Councillors. Your Councillors cannot increase your authority without Assistants and Wages.

Chancery (Chancellor and Chancery Assistants). The office of Chancery handles written documents for your realm. The Chancery is headed by the Chancellor who is the Lord's personal secretary. Working under the Chancellor are Chancery Assistants. Assign the Chancery to any room in your Manor and place an Assistant's Table inside the room. Appoint the Chancellor and Chancery's Assistants. Assistants will gather Wages from the Exchequer to pay the Chancellor. The Chancellor must have Assistants and Wages to produce Authority.

Garden (Gardener and Garden Helpers). An important aspect of displaying Authority is to have beautiful grounds where citizens and visitors can appreciate the splendor of your rule. Make room for a garden and decorate it with the many items available (Masterpieces, Nature Decorations mod, and Fantasy Decorations mod). Build a Gardener's Shed and assign a head Gardener. The Gardener gives Instructions to up to three Garden Helpers who are stationed around the grounds. Choose a place for each Helper to work. Garden Helpers will collect Water and Compost (from the Dung Heap), and under instruction from the head Gardener will increase your Authority by ensuring your grounds remain beautiful for all to enjoy.

Privy Chamber (Chamberlain and Grooms). Visitors to your Manor should always be impressed that your household displays the latest clothing and furnishings. Build Store Rooms and assign them the Store function. Grooms will work in each store room collecting Clothing, Furniture and Candles (any combination of two of them). Assign the Privy Chamber function to a room in your Manor, and appoint a Chamberlain. If paid a Wage, the Chamberlain will increase your Authority by furnishing your house in the latest styles. You can have up to three Store Rooms collecting different items.

Kitchen (Cook and Kitchen Helpers). To project Authority to your subjects, you should keep yourself and your retinue well supplied with food and drink. Build Store Rooms in your Lord Manor and assign the Pantry or Buttery function. Food is stored in a Pantry and collected by a Kitchen Helper. The Helper will collect Boar, Cheese, Meat and Bread (any of two of them). Another Helper will collect items to drink in the Buttery, and here you can choose Wine, Beer, or Cider. You can have up to three Pantries and three Butteries. The Cook works in the Lord's Kitchen combining all the ingredients to prepare your daily meals. If you pay your Cook a Wage and keep them well supplied with at least two food and one drink, they will increase your Authority by preparing sumptuous meals for you and your household.


If you don't have enough Authority to buy Territory or Promote villagers, check:

  • Are your staff able to get to their workplaces?
  • Do you have gold in your treasury for the Exchequer to use to pay Wages?
  • Have you assigned both the heads of each office, and the Assistants or Helpers?
  • Does the Kitchen have access to at least two kinds of food and one kind of drink?
  • Do the Garden Helpers have access to Compost (from the Dung Heap)?


  • Your staff cannot live in the Lord Manor, you will need to provide room for housing nearby (modding limitation).
  • Clothes are currently difficult to mod in Foundation, you will see that sleeves don't fit perfectly when your officials are walking. Hopefully modders will get more precise clothing options in the future.
  • There is no way to auto-force the Lord to be male, and the Lady to be female. You'll have to choose the gender by picking the villager manually.


  • 28 Oct 07:33
    Version 1.0.0

    - First release


27.10 2020
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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Foundation installiert.
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