Old Hagenstedt

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Welcome to Alt Hagenstedt.






The Forst farm can be found near the farm trade.

At the Forsthof the joinery and sawmill were placed. They are loaded when starting the map.




Field 12 was rebuilt as cow pasture, the field you must first buy to mow it.

In the yard there is a small farmers market for selling the eggs.

There is also a fire station so it is right at the entrance to the town so it's a good place to get to work quickly.

The gates of the fire station can be opened with the O key.

At the guard there is a hydrant to refuel the fire trucks.



The unloading point at the yard silos has been replaced by a new one. At the BGA there is a sugar factory and in the village you will find an Aral petrol station, a bakery and an Edeka market for selling potatoes. A second farm was built on the cow pasture with silos for feed ,




Cessna (WilliamT, Boeing777fan, Jeroen Hut, Ekki)

ZuckerRaffenerie v 1.0 (Trekkerodo)

ZuckerRaffenerie v 1.0 new textures Funny Frisch (Trekkerbodo)

EDEKA active market v 2.0 (| Mark44 |)

Gas stations Pack Aral v 1 (SLJ-AGRAR)

Advertising sign v 1.0 (medizini97)

Original Textures v 1.0 (JohnDeere6210se)

Weidentore Wb Pack v 1.0 (World Builders)

Willow fence Wb Pack v 1.2 (Weltbauer)

Market stall v 1.0 (manni_112)

Church (Luculus)

Fruit textures Forgotten Plants (Eribus)

Feed store V 1.2 (Frisco)

Water Mode V 3.1.5 (Marhu)

Models Cows V 4.0 (seba j)

Wooden dam V 1.0 (Claas_Evolution)

Hofabladestelle V 1.0 (sparking chopper)

Shed01 V 1.0 (Wild Fox)

Vehicle Hall V 1.1 (Redi90)

Ground textures heavy wet V 2.0 (Geneborg)

Fodder Beet Textures V 1.0 (BloKKmonsTa187)

Building Set V 1.0 (CebuljCek)

Fire Department V 1.0 (would like to grow)

Cat V 3.0 (PowerPeter008)

Waterplane V 1.0 (Gauroth)

Bakery V 1.0 (would like to grow)




Thanks to all modders :)



Required mods for this map:


Sawmill V 1.1.0b https://www.modhoster.de/mods/sagewerk

Joinery V 0.9 https://www.modhoster.de/mods/schreinerei

UniversalProcessKit V 0.9.8 https://www.modhoster.de/mods/universalprocesskit--2

Animation Map Trigger V 1.0.3 https://www.modhoster.de/mods/animation-map-trigger


MFG _Snowman_



  • 11 Sep 04:16
    Version 1.1

    Fehler mit den Wasserplanen Behoben.
    Objekte ersetzt und neue Hinzugefügt.

  • 02 Sep 19:36
    Version 1.0


02.09 2018
Modhoster user rating
4.43 / 7 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
462 MB 3406
11. 09 2018 3,406
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
418 MB 1138
02. 09 2018 1,138