allinone chaff Pack BigX1100 and Xerion 3800VC

V 1 Modhoster Xmas-Edition byBullgore|6 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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At last! The new "crown BigX1100 beast pack" and "Xerion 3800 Silopacks" and a Abfahrgespann "Fendt 820 + Veenhuis SW550" and of course the new "MadeinGermany MIG" Map * Renamed *. ex-MVP Map The ideal for large farms and contractors. Details see description, pictures and videos. There is another beta version, so testing what it takes hold, and let time detailed feedback in the comments area. If you like it, and do not forget to thank evaluate.
Table of Contents:
1: Introduction
3: Content Pack
4: Additional Required Mods
5: Keyboard Layout
6: Change log of the Mod's version
7: innovations might say;)
9: Advertising: P

1: Introduction
So, after a long time it's done. A new beta version of my small Modsammlung sees the light of day:)
Perceived endless reboots and hours cost me the pack until just loving I'm still at almost every mod rumgeschraubt, I hope there is no room for error at me ...
And once the info, my definition of mods, this is a mod done for me is NEVER. There are still hundreds of small construction sites to work off the machine, maybe the whole thing finished as far as Christmas next year I imagine that in 3D and scripts * grin *
Definitely brought out new versions are always watching always nice Modhoster.
Another huge thanks goes to some places I have helped with the bug fixes and 3D / script also works on people. If I have forgotten someone in the credits, please notify us.
And also to the team of colleagues Modhoster for testing, is indeed gone genail with the chopped MP 24.000.000Liter stress test weekend (see video)

Before you have problems again with the key assignment, deletes the inputBinding.xml, this is exactly in the folder where your mods folder is located. Anyone who has performance problems should delete the entire folder shader_cache, is also in the folder where the fs_game folder is in there. Then just put ONLY the pack in the fs_game folder and restart the game again with 1x complete the map. Then it should work to 99.999%.
It is also recommended ALL mods from the pack to put in the folder, otherwise you get an error message because the standard Vehicle consist of these mods in the map.
Also remember, the devices when you are sitting in the car with the key switch through G if something is not working.
Unkrautmod only works if you have the functional mod-Zip, but this was removed from the internet, so who has it, they can use;)
Fendt 820, there were several Attacher installed for the front loader on the rear, because I did not get it after the purchase of Fronlader bleicbt are always, you can attach it nu just drive over it, and then disconnect, then he flies through the air and lands around very often true, but respectful UNREALISTIC! :)
Anyone who looks into the detail of the models, we discover some errors, but the gameplay should still be present. But with time and further versioning is everything still eliminated.

3: Content Pack
- MadeinGermany MIG Map
- Crown BigX1100 beast pack
Easy Colltect * Corn *
EasyFlow swath * *
XDisc * Grass, corn, canola, etc. *
Header Trailer

- Claas Xerion 3800VC Silopacks 19 tons
Silage sign 1.5Tonnen
Rear weight 2.5Tonnen

- Fendt 820
- Veenhuis SW550 tridem
- Front weight for Fendt
- Made in Germany MIG Map
- Alternative tilt mod
- Income Mod
- Manure belt extension Mod
--Mist/Gülle Texture mod
- Compass for steerable vehicles
- Credits txt.

4: Required Mods
BGA silo Planet LS:
BGA Map Planet LS:
Eifok Libra:
Feed mixer:

5: Keys
- B button = Pipe + Expand Dolly
- Button X = rotate Dolly
- Press Keypad 7 = twin front wheels
- Press Keypad 8 = twin rear wheels
- Press Keypad 9 = light warning signs on / off
- Press Keypad 4 = high motor type throttle limiter button
- Button keypad 5 = tap down engine throttle limiter button
- Press Keypad 6 = Pipelicht
- Button 6 = Paralellfahr Greenstar, and Hide

Claas Xerion 3800VC
- Key Keypad Enter = Cabin Lighting
- Press Keypad 9 = rotate incl cabin and steering direction
- Press Keypad 1 = left turn signal
- Press Keypad 2 = Turn right
- Button keypad 3 = flashers
- Press Keypad 4 = rear light
- Button keypad 5 = work light front
* Button Keypad 6 = wheel unfortunately only for single player * -
- Press Keypad 7 = high motor type throttle limiter button
- Press Keypad 8 = down type engine throttle limiter button
- X = Shift key sign on / expand
- Key 9 = Lenkart front axle, rear axle, crab
- R Button = change of tire width
- Button 6 = additional weight over the rear axle

Fendt 820
- Change the key R = Tire Size
- Rest will follow ...

Alternatively tilt mod
- Ctrl + Left button keypad =

6: Changelog
Xerion V6
New sound
New indoor sound
Zip tidy
Integrated shield
Weight integrated
Plate size decreases
Animated sign changed
Textures revised
The sign is fixed even when deflated condition can load
Xerion additional weight built
Xerion tire width set
Hydraulic front and rear hydraulic reset
Radio, motor starting, extended because of Moveattacher MP problems
Dirt textures revised
Weights adjusted Xerion 19t, weight 2.5 tons, 1.5 tons of plate
All-wheel fitted
Throttle limiter installed
MP Eslimiter installed
Sign visibility and weight adjusted to Xerion
Indoorcam fixed
... And much more.

BigX1100 Beast Pack V6
- New tires combination
- Pipe folding now
- Light Bar vo. replaced below
- Light Bar vo. replaces top
- New Hella headlights vo.
- Built-in door
- Replaced hood and exhaust on 1100
- New rear bumper
- Lowattacher for Häckselwagen
- BigX and XDisc Multifruit ready
- Completely new light adapted
- Pipe XML settings changed
- Fully washable componenten replaced
- Odometer installed
- Häckselsound maishäckselsound replaced with original 1100s
- Tuning XML handling
- Moddesc and tidy xml dds from 36 to 29mb
- Set new cameras
- Easy Flow integrated
- Dolly integrated
- Store details have changed, created Storepics
- Dynamic exhaust smoke
- Easy Flow Pick-made washable
- Washable set to 4 hours
- Adjusted integrated Dynamic cutting particle system and Animation
- Tire in the dirt floor texture and Dolly BigX installed and adjusted for FV
- Green Star for added capacity trailer right B-pillar
- Added support to Green Star for driving the front wheel
- Groups described with new index
- GreenStar revised installation
- GreenStar updated to V1.1

MIG Map V3 byBullgore:
- Static Actor bug fixed!
- Rebuilt Bga
- Installed new MP Bga Keilsilo
- New cultivator plow seed texture
- Adapted new corn stubble + texture BigX
- Texture Mist
- Liquid Texture
- Used weed Mod
- Grassland soil texture changed
- Weed * * optional
- Green rye installed
- Animal Farm fenced newly remodeled
- From main building courtyard
- Rebuilt main courtyard
- Modhoster dealer;)
- New PDA screen
- New loading screen images / map selection
- Built-in balance with function in the yard, BGA, grain location
- Made of fruits growing seasons to 5 hours
- Collisions from many objects for ease of Course Play
- Fixed lanes away in boxes
- And much more ...

7: "Innovations"
- First public officially approximate BigX 1100 design ^ ^
- Functioning silage shield
- Map Unkrautmod
- Xerion with a working direction
- Green Star Parallelfahrlua 1.1
- Moveattacherlua fully compatible MP
8: THE END!!
So, tap and snout full of the build, now is fashionable to celebrate: D
Have fun testing and Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all successful LS!
ToDoList follows and yet, somehow is already very long ...

9: Advertising
In the credits at the bottom are some websites you should visit the times that are directly or indirectly to do with the rebuild.

And other mods by me:

Amazone UX5200 front tank + MP Pack

Fendt 820 FL Seed Pack
Lemko giant ruby

Kverneland plow pack:


Pack byBullgore

<<< Scripte >>>
Hummel, Skydancer, Sven777B. Face, John Deere 6930, Wolftiger,
Heady, Alex2009, JohnDeere, Templar, Mr. F, MxY.rlp,
Ellinor Ström, Patar, C.Schoch, Geri-G, Eifok-Team, Dorsy

<<< Map >>>
V1 by maurermatzeund tommy r
V2 by Bullgore
V3 by Bullgore
V3 Bugfix Sirrobin

<<< BigX1100 BeastPack >>>
Bullgore, Kyosho, Blackdragon223, BigBen, Raptor, Arnold, Elli,
Darkfreak, Bigfarmer145, Geri-G, Lordtex, sKyDaNcEr, BigBen

<<< Xerion 3800 >>>
3D Model/texture/LS model: KsatriaHU
Changes and fixt: mavwitch
V6 byBullgore

<<< Fend 820 >>>
Edit bei Bullgore & Hummel

<<< Veenhuis 550 >>>
3D: Balu79nvp
Tuning, Waschbar: Dorsy

<<< Triolet Futtermischwagen >>>
Author: @poc@lypse
ChangeScript: Schlosserhansel

<<< Mistband Mod >>>
Author: C.Schoch
edit Wizznall

<<< Guelle Mist Textur Mod >>>
Author: HmcrE

<<< Kompass Mod >>>
Author: Decker

<<< Xerion3800 >>>

<<< Silage Schild >>>
PS: Arnold Script: Heady
SilageKlappschild Funktion by Wolftiger
waschbar tiger1234
V6 Model,Animation,Scriptfix byBullgore

<<< 2.5T Gewicht >>>
BaDoTo Dorsy

<<< Alternativ abkipp Mod >>>

<<< Ertrag Mod >>>
Author: E ?

>>> --- Seiten der Modder --- <<<

  • 24 Dec 22:39
    Version 1 Modhoster Xmas-Edition byBullgore|6


checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1 Modhoster Xmas-Edition byBullgore|6
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bullgore
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: E
price in shop: 3095 LS
name in shop: Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
description in shop:
Credits: Bullgore,Kyosho,Blackdragon223,BigBen,Raptor
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: SFM-Modding
price in shop: 12000 LS
name in shop: Veenhuis SW 550
description in shop: Veenhuis SW 550
Hydraulisch Grundgestell,Achslift/Hoehensensor, Zwan
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: LS-Landtechnik
price in shop: 378000 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 3.3 Beta
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bullgore and Hummel
price in shop: 22599 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 3
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bullgore
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Koper - HmcrE
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 294
Version: 6.0 Beta
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bullgore
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 2.1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Dorsy and Balu79nvp
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Wizznall
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.
checksum: 2948c5ed0a330e7dc8fd9f5c6172334a
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Decker
price in shop: 199999 LS
name in shop: MIG Map
description in shop: Dies ist die MadeInGermany MIG Map.

24.12 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.35 / 203 Votes


nach 158 Stimmen

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V 1 Modhoster Xmas-Edition byBullgore|6
Farming Simulator 2011
Xmas Silage Pack mit Mods und Ma...
424 MB 52009
24. 12 2011 52,009

12 Comments for allinone chaff Pack BigX1100 and Xerion 3800VC

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  1. Phil2001 07. 05 2012

    Das Claas Pack ist total Geil

  2. Traktorfreund 07. 02 2012

    kan mir jemand bitte mal helfen, wen ich die map spiele, stockt alles extrem, da springt alles, und stottert, wie kan ich des iwie meiden? BITTTTE HILFE!! aber, sau coole map!!!
    mfG maxi

  3. asta1998 12. 01 2012

    is full geil 12von10punkten

  4. fendt22.4 27. 12 2011

    moin die map ist cool

  5. baba 96 26. 12 2011

    Wen ich auf den claas schaltte geht nix mer warum??

  6. Vinz 25. 12 2011

    Wird irgendein DLC benötigt?

  7. IDEENWELT 25. 12 2011

    sind die mods darbei

  8. Mauder 25. 12 2011

    Dank an die Modder, ist eine super map :-)

  9. FaFiat 25 25. 12 2011

    ist das ne map mit Häckselmod oder sowas?
    schaut gut aus.

  10. Konstidup1 25. 12 2011

    Kann ich die Map mit Win Zip downloden ?

  11. Bauer.Philipp 24. 12 2011

    ist die map für low pcs?

  12. Grabarz 24. 12 2011

    can do u make this map without the DLC 2 BGA ? bga by heady is much better

    1 replies
