Note: This is for the server-side only.
This mutator will add custom chat colors and other features to the chat like emojis or icons. The mutator chatbox color will not work with any mod that replaces the widget/HUD. This mutator also has multiple HUDs for the right game mode. If you are playing hardcore game mode, the mutator will be automatically using the hardcore chatbox HUD to keep your hardcore HUD look exactly the same other than the chatbox.
Advanced Chat mutator is compatible with any mod that sends the message to the chatbox as long as they are not changing the HUD. That's mean the chat color and the feature of this mod will work with them.
Gamemode properties command also supports in this mutator regardless if the chatbox color and emoji works or not.
Mutator name:
- AdvancedChat
Default game.ini config:
;Only admin able to make text color in the chat
;It useful if you don't want players to go in and start making the chat like a rainbow
;Replacing specific text with emoji/icon
Chat Color
There is a limit for chat color. Not all color is provided. I'm planning to make the user able to input their hex color code in it and use it but that will be in the future. To use chat color, you need to have the open bracket with the color name in it and a closing bracket in your chat.
List of chat color that are available to use:
Emoticon or emoji is auto-replace in the chat with a specific word the moment u send it. For example, if you put the word NWI
in the chat. It will be replaced with the NWI icon the moment it sends. It is not case sensitive and it can be disabled in the config if it too annoying. I might add emoji picker in the future.
List of a word that will be replaced into an icon
Chat Commands
To execute a command, your chat must start with !
or /
Using the !
will send your command to the chat. The /
will be silence. Which means your command won't show up in the chat. You can also change these prefix in the config.
The commands that you can use are the gamemode properties that can be executed using rcon. Instead of using rcon, you can execute it in-game. Only the admin can use these commands.
For example, if you put /bAllowFriendlyFire
in the chat. It will tell you the current bAllowFriendlyFire value and only the person that executes it can see it.
If you put /bAllowFriendlyFire False
then you are changing bAllowFriendlyFire property to False.
Note: Make sure you know what you doing when you changing the value. It can crash the server and the effect will immediately change to the value you put.
The other command that everyone can use is /me
. What exactly this command does is just to output your own name with some message. For example, /me is playing insurgency
then this will show up your name is playing insurgency in the chat.
If you dislike using the in-game chat command, you can disable them.
This is the default config for the command:
;Enable the usage of chat command. (This chat command usage will send to the chat message)
;The chat command prefix
;Enable the silence command usage. (This chat command usage will NOT send to the chat message)
;The prefix for silence command chat
Note: If you want to use only the silence command, you can disable the bEnableCommand
and keep using the bEnableSilenceCommand
Discord Chat
This is a feature that is optional.
Advanced chat supports discord chat. You will have to create a discord bot yourself using nodejs, python, C/C++, or other programming language you are familiar with.
I have a working version of nodejs on my github:
Follow the readme on the Github on how to set up the bot.
You will ask why do we need advanced chat mod if the bot can just rcon the message? Advanced chat has a way to detect if the rcon message is sending from discord or not just simply search for _DiscordTag_
in the rcon message and it will automatically replace it with a light blue color [Discord] tag in the chat. Without advance chat, the rcon message will look really ugly.
If you are a dev and you are going to make your own discord bot. All you have to do is send a say rcon with _DiscordTag_
in front of it.
say _DiscordTag_ :
You will replace the player's name and the message you want to send in the rcon.
Rcon Say
If you are using rcon say, the "ADMIN:" is removed. So you can put your own in your rcon say.
This was a request by people using sissm.
If you like my mod and you want to support me, you can make a donation in my profile.
15 Jul 05:02Version 1.0.10a
- Fixed a prefix check
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