so here it is time our farmland V2 Map!
The ChangeLog:
* 4 New fruit installed (spelled, oats, rye and millet | ModPack is needed!)
* Map expanded terrain
* New fields added (a total of 33 fields with 100 hectares)
* Court 1: built new silos for new fruits and adapted
Built new silos for new fruits and adapted: * Courtyard 2
* Court 3: added (LU)
* Small complex added
* Grass is now mähbar on the entire map
* AI Traffic adjusted
* New point of sale added
* Sale of slurry and manure, you can!
* Fieldeffinition adapted to the new terrain
* Straw angepast trigger the cows.
* Surveillance camera fixed
* Various modifications, new Models
* Swapped textures of Fruits, partially new (Thanks to Marc85!)
* Various objects away from PR reasons
* PDA angepast
* New signs installed
* Road network expanded
* Timed Goal Added Open from 8 - 14 and 17-0 Clock
* New SkyBox (heaven) added (textures by Marc85)
* PR optimization, performance has been improved
* There is NO need for extra drill / seed drill
* New features on the BGA / CHP including transformer house and functioning gas flare (Thanks to Marc85-Atabogo pill?)
Map.I3D reduced from 138 MB to 83 MB.
LOG is error free = with wither (normal download link!) = without Wither (Alternate download link!)
Note Original features of V1.0
* Not friendly helpers! So no rectangular boxes! Course play is recommended!
* 2 stores
* 18 fields with over 25 hectares of total area, and 4 separately applied fields
* Fields must be purchased at the farm shop!
* Old vehicles can be sold to Oleg (on the PDA instantly highlighted as red tractor!)
* New icons help with eigends written scripts for this map.
* Complete road network including signage
* Adjusted + milk transport truck
* DLC surfaces for building
* Interim storage facility for grass (near the mowing area Mission)
* Intermediate storage for manure (for greenhouses)
* Mostly new textures for terrain and foliage
* Free-range chickens on the farm + in charge of centralizing the eggs
* New map objects
* Own PDA with some new symbols
* Functioning traffic light system (BIG THX to Bluebaby210!)
* Mixer stock
* Many details around the map looks, so a closer look :)
Note Original features of V1.1
* Revision info trigger scripts (No Help icons in more MP for host and clients (like the original, too!))
* Road crossings processed
* Fixed limit on the FSL Center
* Adjusted lights, shorter red flags
* ALL UVs removed so that the map is now LogFehlerFrei
* 1 have fences on the farm again Colis
* Tracks provided with Collis
* Field 2 and 3 are now beginning to match the player!
* Field Deffinitionen updated again
* Traffic trigger again reworked and splines
* Maglev and various other objects entfernd favor of Performence
* Changed the textures for all the fruits (with the exception of potatoes and sugar beet)
* Helicopter away
* Moving car in the town of
* Adler added (as a replacement for the helicopter)
* Changed setting of the sun, for performance reasons!
* Diverse terrain + buildings adaptations
* Several player-blocker
* Places signs improved
* Shelter at the BGA has been adapted
* Installed monitoring system (cameras)
* RE train to the ICE 3 swapped in favor of the performance
Please NOTE:
Remember that take your various other Fremdmods (especially other maps) from the mod folder
You need to play the farmland v2 Modpack to this map, as well as the and!
As always:
* It is not allowed to upload the map again!
* This map may not be offered without the express permission ONLY HERE FOR MH and in our forums!
* If you have problems please report to our FORUM!
* We will not respond to support questions!
:) :) Happy Farming
AckerLand v2by FSM-Team
Build FSM-Team Atabogo
Credit´s to:
Diverse Models : Giants
Pumpenhaus : Chefkoch
Schilder : Chefkoch
klo : Chefkoch
Radio : Chefkoch
Gabione : Chefkoch
Hof-Tankstelle : Chefkoch
Container : Chefkoch
FieldTrigger : Chefkoch
FieldstarBräu : Chefkoch
30er Zonen Pack,uvm.. : Chefkoch
Spuntwand : Chefkoch
Skybox : Tessmann85
Schilder : Tessmann85
Überwachungs Kamera : Bauer Jens1
Ampel Modell: : BigM
Ampel Skript: : Bluebaby210
Staudamm : Jampster
MT-Aligator : Romank
Einige PDA Symbole : grfik-edv
Strassen : atze1978
Kuhzaun : Landwirt 12
Ampeln : Alex2009
Oberleitung : Ekkehard
ICE : Ekkehard
Warebhaus ; Ekkehard
Figuren : Ekkehard
Klinkerstall : kolbenfresser
Grill : raptor-bash
GartenCenter : BauerBernd
Rolltor : grafik-edv
Old Models : thecsfun
Werkstatt : Freak36558
Zeittor : Daniel (Desperados93)
Farmer : Devilkw
JägerZaun : Feros
Texturen Fruits : Tessmann85
Gebäude : Ni-Modding
Fruits Scripts von Modeleicher und sirrobin
Steinbrücke : Blackburner
Hof BeladeStation : Urmodell LS08: meistro, big bug
Modell, Textur: Repi
Ingame: Repi
Trigger: Giants
Mapbau : Atabogo
MapTest Sp/Mp : Chefkoch / Atabogo
Bauzeit 16 tage
Und Weitere die ich nicht ausfindig machen kann..!!
Wer noch Irgend ein Modell findet bitte ein Pn!.
02 Mar 01:53Version 2 MultiFruit by [FSM]-Team
by Chefkoch_LS2011
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
by Atabogo
ago about 12 years
checksum: | 29dcb8b4464a0d71a850ac8cdce7541b |
Version: | 2 MultiFruit by [FSM]-Team |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Atabogo |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | AckerLand v2 |
description in shop: | Willkommen auf der AckerLand v2 |
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