I made a messup and had to reset my desktop. I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to upload to this package anymore. So Im going to be making a V2 of this map :(
On the bright side... I learned a lot from V1 and remaking the entire map will faster and have better performance and visuals. I recently got some nice terrain modelling tools so this should be fun :D
I should be done with the map by wednesday of next week.
Official Server: S1lers Server
Average Game Time: 10 - 15 mins
Botskill tested at: 1.0
Solobots suggestion: 9
Scenario Name : `Scenario_AbadHills_Checkpoint_Security`
Lighting: Day and Night
Supports Frenzy
The command for opening the map in local:
`open AbadHills?Scenario=Scenario_AbadHills_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Day`
or for night:
`open AbadHills?Scenario=Scenario_AbadHills_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Night`
or for Frenzy:
`open AbadHills?Scenario=Scenario_AbadHills_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Night -Mutators=Frenzy`
Random Name Backstory
Abadhills... why the name. originally I was going to name the project AbadMap get it? but i got distracted and wrote hills after Abad. Sounding kinda middle eastern I kept the map name.
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