The bales here are the varieties of wheat, hay, grass, barley and additionally wrapped bale in black, white, Eco (light), Eco2 (dark). They can put it in the original folder at C: \ Program Files \ Farming Simulator 2013 \ data \ maps \ models \ objects \ round bales and the entry in the xml file as The original press change as follows:
<baleType fillType="wheat_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleStraw.i3d" />
<baleType fillType="barley_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleBarley.i3d" />
<baleType fillType="dryGrass_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleHay.i3d" />
<baleType fillType="grass_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleGrass.i3d" />
</ baleTypes>
For the wrapped bales I've taken my crown Comprima and adjusted the entries for wrapped bale. Now I have a baler and a "Wicklerpressenkombi":
<baleType fillType="wheat_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleWhite.i3d" />
<baleType fillType="barley_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleBlack.i3d" />
<baleType fillType="dryGrass_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleEco.i3d" />
<baleType fillType="grass_windrow" filename="$data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleEco2.i3d" />
</ baleTypes>
If any questions, problems or errors, please report via PM or comment!
Have fun!
02 Apr 21:48Version 1.0
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