Trucks - Volkswagen
Mods for Farming Simulator
112- Modding 100 Subscription Package
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almost 4 years
Volkswagen Amarok
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almost 11 years
VW bus and trailer
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almost 10 years
Volkswagen Constellation LA 6X4
Downloads today
almost 13 years
VW T4 Service
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about 11 years
VW 18-310 Fertilizante Düngerstreuer
Downloads today
about 14 years
featured VW T4 Service
v 1.0 clean0 Downloads today7,991 Downloads totalUser rating21 said thankspublished Sat, 31 Jan 2015 12:26:37 GMT in - VolkswagenHere wish my VW T4 Service LS15 ... Who does not like, simply NOT upload! * Clean and polished * Work light side * Tank mode right * Saatmodus right * Duengermodus back * Towbar (low-trailer...
Volkswagen Amarok
v 2.0 Komplett Pack 9tlg2 Downloads today11,704 Downloads total60 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:58:00 GMT in - VolkswagenMoinMoin all togetherI offer you now a growing number of diverse models to AmarokAll these versions over and over again aktualiesiert and refined with your user preferences or wish further special texture...
VW T4 Service
v 1.00 Downloads today3,549 Downloads total12 commentsUser rating15 said thankspublished Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:56:15 GMT in - VolkswagenHere is my TSL T4 Service LS13 ... * Bel v3.1* Work light side* Tank mode right* Saatmodus right* Duengermodus back* RepairCar* Trailer coupling (low- trailer)* Vmax approx 65km / h* Size customized...
Hewaaas Buedchenpack
v 1.00 Downloads today4,093 Downloads totalUser rating15 said thankspublished Tue, 13 Aug 2013 15:54:00 GMT in - VolkswagenT5 and food carts as a team!Here at USER REQUEST drive the team to go around, with anmierten doors and flaps.functions:vehicle:List of functions switched with numpad 0trailer:Place before opening the...
Vw crafter of sea
v 10 Downloads today1,924 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Jul 2013 13:53:00 GMT in - VolkswagenHere you can download the VW crafter of the sea, he was converted to the service of our cars for our virtual lu have fun with it the genhemigung exists
250 VW24 CONSTELATTION prancha
v 1.00 Downloads today4,268 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:04:00 GMT in - VolkswagenSo guys today I was a project that went from the 11 that ls can now in the 13 ls Constelattion VW24-250 Board Finish to transport their agricultural machinery, the board was not great for the sides...
VW Samba Bus
v 1.00 Downloads today4,474 Downloads total16 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Fri, 01 Feb 2013 13:31:00 GMT in - VolkswagenThis is the Vw Sambabus of Ekki Made him mobile and it has a trailer hitch. Since you can use the small trailer it here in the forum already exist.
VW Caravelle 2 5L with AHK
v 2 mit AHK0 Downloads today10,863 Downloads total29 commentsUser rating24 said thankspublished Mon, 24 Dec 2012 21:47:52 GMT in - VolkswagenVW Caravelle 2 5L with AHK v 2.0 Now here from the ModTeam, a very nice Caravelle with trailer hitch. The Tab key is back in operation. Third brake light Speed and thus adjusted...
Volkswagen Polo Concept
v 1.00 Downloads today2,916 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 17 Nov 2012 20:12:01 GMT in - VolkswagenHello Modhoster comunity, Here I have a VW Polo, he was introduced in 2000 and was to be the successor of the Polo 6N2. With the dual round headlights reminded VW Polo to the first. Groundbreaking...
VW Constellation 25,370 and Bitrem RANDON
v 1.00 Downloads today3,033 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 21 Aug 2012 11:58:53 GMT in - VolkswagenSize: 31.03MB
fourgon eurovia
v 1.00 Downloads today1,772 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Mon, 09 Jul 2012 09:36:52 GMT in - Volkswagenfourgon de depannage eurovia
Volkswagen Constellation LA 6X4
v 1.01 Downloads today1,405 Downloads total10 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 31 May 2012 19:01:55 GMT in - Volkswagen
Constellation 24-250 Red
v 20 Downloads today2,005 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 06 Sep 2011 14:40:01 GMT in - VolkswagenIt has turn signals, high beam, light internal (inside cabin) and animation panelall you use it.Keep the original images and links.Do not edit this mod without my Permissions.
v 1 BETA0 Downloads today3,809 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:43:41 GMT in - Volkswagenaveiro G3 For those who asked or like, here it is. It is not entirely original, it lacks the wheels of this model, and some details such as traffic lights and light panel. Glass is a bit more dark...
Volkswagen constellation 24-250
v 10 Downloads today2,262 Downloads total19 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Fri, 26 Aug 2011 08:58:58 GMT in - Volkswagen-dust trail, manual ignition, with canvas cover feature, high and low light (low F, 6 high)hazard lights and anything else that I remember xD n
Volkswagen 13-170 TITAN
v 20 Downloads today2,161 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 05 Jul 2011 09:08:26 GMT in - Volkswagen
VW 18_310 Titan Pack
v0 Downloads today4,748 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Feb 2011 15:04:06 GMT in - VolkswagenMultiplayer Entpacken Sie den Ordner Mods Trailer Support Frucht: Weizen Gerste Mais Raps Gras Spreu Hafer Reis Soja Sonnenblumen
Volkswagen 18-310 trucado 6x4
v0 Downloads today2,577 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 20 Jan 2011 19:18:32 GMT in - VolkswagenVolkswagen 18-310 trucado 6x4
VW 18-310 Fertilizante Düngerstreuer
v0 Downloads today1,749 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Jan 2011 22:23:22 GMT in - Volkswagenzum ersten Mal funktioniert, drücken Sie den Buchstaben X, und warten Sie 4 Sekunden und drücken Sie den Buchstaben B, um den Dünger in Verbindung zu treten