Download download Mod 'Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry'

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18 Comments for Serenity Valley II The Rise of Industry

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  1. Rockhound 03. 07 2017

    I will be making an update soon for the Seasons Mod.

  2. Gramthug 27. 03 2018

    Hi there,

    my father want's to play this Map, but it's not working correctly. FS17 is updated to and no other Mods are installed. It's not possible to open doors/gates. Does anyone know an Workaround or Hotfix? I've tried multiple solutions without luck.


    1 replies

  3. Kgbow 30. 01 2018

    MAP BROKEN as of latest fs17 update.

    No doors or gates will open. Tried multiple fixes.

  4. Kgbow 29. 01 2018

    Playing latest version (2.1) doors and gates wont open....

    Would love to start this map too after so many great reviews.

    Cheers Rockhound

  5. Narvask 14. 01 2018

    Hi dude, Would love to play the map but the gates and doors do not open.

  6. mrgrr26 03. 01 2018

    I just downloaded this map, and none of the doors or gates work. I tried it with just the map loaded, and still nothing. I googled the problem, and others are also having this issue.

  7. eperv 29. 10 2017

    what is the difference between serenity valley 5 and serenity valley 2 rise of the industry

    1 replies

  8. scrvy 13. 09 2017

    Love the map. Just got sheep and do not see where the wool is produced? They have grass and water. Do I need to provide them with pallets? Where do I get the wool?

    1 replies

  9. CaptainKreol 29. 07 2017

    Hi, I play on your map which is not bad but I found a small error trying to close the small door of the hen house, but nothing serious. Sorry for my English

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  10. LSJenny 21. 07 2017

    Version 2.0 is Seasons Ready and what is with Version 2.1? ^^

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  11. virtualsky 30. 06 2017

    where can i get fertilizer?

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  12. pepzi84 27. 06 2017

    I have downloaded ur new Version with the same mistake in the map... dont know why...

    1 replies

  13. pepzi84 26. 06 2017

    Sorry, it didnt work.
    I downloaded the new version, the mod folder was clean, only the map in it.
    And this error is showing in the log:
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    dataS/scripts/objects/PhysicsObject.lua(388) : attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
    Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/Pierre/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/SerenityValleyII_TROI_V1/C:/Users/Pierre/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/SerenityValleyII_TROI_V1/maps/

    There is a mistake in the i3d i think

    1 replies

  14. sootysax 26. 06 2017

    is this map seasons ready?

    1 replies

  15. Bauer Hannsen 25. 06 2017

    Got a little problem when testing the map:
    "## Courseplay: HR46X: aiTrafficCollisionTrigger missing. Traffic collision prevention will not work!"

    2 replies

  16. Booboo101 25. 06 2017

    Is this mod going to be coming to consoles at all? I would live to see it for consoles

    1 replies

  17. R3pcom 24. 06 2017

    I've tried pretty much any combination of mods I could think of and finally found the culprit. It's the CCM (Corn Cob Mix) mod. As soon as I turned that off, the map stopped crashing.

    So, für alle bei denen die Map zum Absturz des Spiels führt, schaut bitte mal nach ob ihr den CCM Mod installiert habt. Bei mir war das das Problem. Nachdem ich den CCM Mod deaktiviert habe (nicht aus dem mod ordner gelöscht, nur Haken entfernt beim starten) lief die Map einwandfrei.

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  18. pepzi84 23. 06 2017

    Yes, i done this. 2 days, no production, only the logs get less. no paletts, and no wood chips get out there

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