Download download Mod ' Westbridge Hills 5'

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14 Comments for Westbridge Hills 5

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  1. leg_iron 24. 04 2017

    There is a problem with this map. I have tried to sell canola/oil seed rape at the Mill & Freight Yard but when i have emptied my trailer into the sell point, i get nothing for it. I thought that this sort of error would have been picked up in testing before the map was released.

    2 replies

  2. TurboJ25 23. 04 2017

    ereedks, you are right. iplayed the former vision by myself. but i have to say, that the map from the other modder wasn´t really finished. Some sell points had collision, so you were unable to sell stuff. I am glad, that dajoun picked up the map and finished it without any real bugs. So the former modder should be maybe credited. But you can´t say, that Dajoun just copied the map. He solved some essential bugs. And even experienced modders have sometimes problems with the trains.

  3. ereedks 23. 04 2017

    aklein, the map looks similar to Westbridge Hills v1.2.0.9 because he copied that map yet gives nobody else any credit at all. He's pretending it's all his work. Ha Ha. Dajoun isn't THAT creative!

  4. ereedks 23. 04 2017

    So Dajoun, you're still pretending you created the map all on your own? You copied the map of holecsko which can still be found here on modhoster - Westbridge Hills v1.2.0.9. He created the field layout, the sizes are exactly what his map has, not the default Westbridge Hills field sizes. The silos have the exact capacity of Westbridge Hills v1.2.0.9. Yet you give credit to nobody else, that is plagiarism.

  5. Majkello 21. 04 2017

    Something is wrong with the economy because prices change after every restart of the game. I tried a map without mods but that does not help. Another thing is the folder in the map file - ingameMissions - not used in FS17. You just copy files from FS15
    :P In overall map is great but i must wait for fix

  6. aklein 17. 04 2017

    While this map westbridge hills 5.2 and are extremely similar. This version has trains at some of the sell points and does not have the trains. I never played FS15 but I understand the trains where a part o fthat game so I fell that either he took as a base and added in the trains and some other tweaks or did convert the map independent of or converted what I belive is one of many varients of the map from FS15.

  7. TurboJ25 15. 04 2017

    Ok, i think i found the mod, that doesn´t work with this map, the slow bee mod. After disabling the mod, the rape now gives money when selling at the train.

  8. ereedks 15. 04 2017

    No, Rubberduck2. Dajoun didn't copy this from LS15. LS15 didn't have all the silos, (placed in the exact same place Dajoun has), Had he converted this map from LS15 it would not have had the partial statement from holecsko added, would it? Had Dajoun converted this from LS 15 himself this would have looked different from version Play that version yourself and see what I mean. So he copies someone else's modified map, deletes the chopped straw, changes where the pig farm is, changes a few buildings here and there, and it's okay to ignore the fact that he copied someone else's work? When you mod someone else's map, you add your name to the end of the author line, you don't delete everyone else and put your name in their place! At least not if you have any integrity.

  9. ereedks 14. 04 2017

    Dajoun, how come you don't give credit to the actual person who created the map? Westbridge Hills map v1.2.0.9 by holecsko is where you got this from. You even copied the beginning of his introduction to the map "Try your luck in the New World! This area in the USA" but deleted the rest that stated "Try your luck in the New World! This area in the USA is in need of a skilled farmer who can tend to its sprawling fields." All you did was move the pig farm and change a few vehicle buildings. You're a thief!!

    2 replies

    1. Rubberduck2 14. 04 2017

      The map is converted from ls15, so also the text. Everyone can do it, and that is why he is not a thief.

    2. TurboJ25 14. 04 2017

      Yes. rhe orher one had buggy chopped straw in. Was more likely a never finished beta^^

  10. TurboJ25 13. 04 2017

    Btw, thx for this map. I think, this is best single player map.

  11. TurboJ25 13. 04 2017


    It seems that rape also doesn´t work at freight yard...

    3 replies

  12. DAJOUN 11. 04 2017

    Hallo..iam 500km from my house now i am regular inter- urbain bus driver ..i dont have much free time ...i will be back next 4 day for new update ...thanks

    1 replies

  13. pacman28 11. 04 2017

    tried freight yard as well no money for that one either.

    1 replies

  14. pacman28 11. 04 2017

    sold 206k soybeans at the mill...hit the train thing...train left but no money for grain... sold at 10 am now it is 6 am next day still no pay.. what have to wait for check in mail or what?
