Download download Mod 'Loess Hill Country'

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24 Comments for Loess Hill Country

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  1. KwgUK 06. 09 2016

    Hi, great map

    Any plans for more versions? Perhaps include AI traffic, soil mod??

  2. grandpa58 23. 08 2016

    There is a folder "Moddesc" with a custom moddesc for the MapDoorTrigger in the download. Simply replace the old against them.

    Grandpa58 -ASL-Support-

  3. blubbulfxxx 22. 08 2016

    This map is what i was looking for. Good fieldsices and multifruit. I have one problem, i cant open the gates where you store your grain. I can see that i have to change descVersion in moddesc.xml to 21. When i open the moddesc it is set to 21. Anyone know what the problem is?

  4. matty21 27. 04 2016

    hi can anyone help me how do i load lime from the plant in to a trailer which can handle lime i have the GuelleMistKalk mod installed but nothing happens when i go beneath the pipes.

    1 replies

  5. zafig4 25. 12 2015

    cow manure does not work.... and buy sheep and go to cow stall!!!

  6. kovypetr 15. 08 2015

    I can not in multiplayer.They can join other players.

  7. s3nt3nce 26. 07 2015

    LOESS HILL COUNTRY V.4 in progress ?

    1 replies

    1. Vektormodding 28. 07 2015

      Yes, in progress! ;)

      1 replies

  8. matty21 09. 06 2015

    quick question is it possible to sell straw on the map and with the manure do you have to scoop it out or its it stored somewhere

    1 replies

  9. sweredyk 28. 04 2015

    can you tell me how compost works cant get ti to work for the life of me

  10. thomasmunt 11. 04 2015

    how do i get the grain storage gate and the dairy cows door to open?

    1 replies

  11. KwgUK 01. 04 2015

    How about including this...... the next version?

    1 replies

  12. gr8t3ful 30. 03 2015

    I cannot get MapDoorTrigger to upload to the server it keeps telling me that it is a LS13 mod. I have replaced the modDesc file. Please help, what am i doing wrong!

    1 replies

  13. KwgUK 28. 03 2015

    Imp really getting into this map now. However I've accumulated a lot of machinery and tend to keep it at the machinery store.
    What the map needs is a proper big central farm with plenty of space to store machinery. There currently just isn't enough room anywhere.

  14. KwgUK 27. 03 2015

    Also it's a shame there isn't any traffic on the map

  15. KwgUK 27. 03 2015

    Another annoying thing is Courseplay doesn't scan the whole field. For instance no.21 and no.9 it misses some of,the field out.

  16. Morlock 23. 03 2015

    Where is the grain storage please, I cannot find it anywhere?

    Wo ist die Getreidelagerung bitte , ich kann es nicht überall ?

    1 replies

  17. PawelMD 05. 03 2015

    Can anyone help me? I can not refuel mod barrels of fuel or water.
    Kann jemand mir helfen? Ich kann nicht tanken mod Barrel Kraftstoff oder Wasser.

  18. KwgUK 02. 03 2015

    Now I know you have to get out of the tractor and open some of the gates i'm having no problems with map. It runs at 50-60 fps, looks beautiful and is great to play, no square fields!
    The only annoying thing is having to reopen the gate every time you start the game.

  19. matty21 28. 02 2015

    nice looking map shame you can't enter the store downloaded everything but gate won't open

    1 replies

  20. Kubik1976 25. 02 2015

    INCREASE THOSE GROWTH TIMES PLEASE!!! Ten fold or something.

    Lösshügelland V2 is perfect. This is way way way too fast growing...

    1 replies
