Download download Mod 'OGF AMMERSEE MAP'

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16 Comments for OGF AMMERSEE MAP

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  1. Tetrebijan11 07. 08 2016

    I have a few issues, first time i started game i couldn't buy beef, after that beef dissapeared completely from game , second thing is no mud is been shown in game, just some dark spots but no animation. I run game with latest patch and dont' know what to do, my log is also clean. Any suggestions?

    1 replies

  2. Where can i refill seeds?

    1 replies

  3. bruder 23. 07 2016

    Again a very nice map,but i dont like the brickstone at the farm,i vant to change the textur but i cant find the textur please help

  4. marcel1519 15. 07 2016

    Is this map soilmod ready? Its a super cool map one off the best i have ever played in my farm sim carreer

  5. madmex 13. 07 2016

    I have the mixfeeder and MapBuyableObject and still I get this message in log.
    Warning: MapBuyableObjects can't load C:/Users/jack/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/savegame3/MapBuyableObjects.xml: Playing time is not 0, but Savegame XML does not exist.
    Warning: MapBuyableObjects can't load C:/Users/jack/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/savegame3/MapBuyableObjects.xml: Playing time is not 0, but Savegame XML does not exist.
    Warning: MapBuyableObjects can't load C:/Users/jack/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/savegame3/MapBuyableObjects.xml: Playing time is not 0, but Savegame XML does not exist.

    In other games I have not that prob

    1 replies

  6. madmex 13. 07 2016

    I have buy the mixfeeder after I have saved the game and start later the game on then I need to buy the mixfeeder again. In other games were I need to buy the mixfeeder I have not the prob that it is gone after I start an saved game.

    So how come I need to buy everytime I start the game.

    1 replies

  7. Kanisterkop 13. 07 2016

    Ich hab da ein Problem wenn ich an den Monitor vom Komposter stehe hängt sich das Game auf.

    Das sagt die Log
    3 fruits added to cultivator, plough and direct seeder for fertilizer use
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    C:/Users/Zyklon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//OGF_AMMERSEE_MAP/Scripte/FermentingSilo.lua:516: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'org_priceMultiplier' (a nil value)

    1 replies

  8. bruder 12. 07 2016

    The plazferstone on the hole farm. You can say the hole farmfloor

    1 replies

  9. bruder 12. 07 2016

    Please help!!!!!!!!!!!! how can you thange the stone at the farm,cant find them in the scripts

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  10. Mythic 12. 07 2016

    Next time give credits when you copy stuff from other maps!!

    1 replies

  11. amonbonfills 12. 07 2016

    With another great work goes probably the best creator of hundreds of hour of fun. Bernie, thank you very much for making this possible and let me tell you that you are one of the reasons for me playing this game for about 4 years.

  12. PhoeniX_NL 12. 07 2016

    Thanks for the great map sir!

    However i found out there is a small issue at this spot:

    1 replies

  13. bruder 12. 07 2016

    Hej,very nice map,love to play it,but hove can i change the plasferstone at the farm

  14. Warondar69 10. 07 2016

    Real sad to see such a prominent modder retiring, but you very well deserve the rest Bernie. OGF maps have been a huge success in both FS2013 and FS15 and has given the FS community some of the most original and detailed maps.
    I know I've spent many hours on OGF maps so a huge thanks to Bernie and OGF.

  15. musikrecki 10. 07 2016

    I'ts a beautiful map but the Quetion is anytime failed Format or File is damaged. What can i do

  16. marcel1519 10. 07 2016

    You can't open the gates to field you own there is no trigger to open the gates and you ca't buy fields. Great map but need some work

    2 replies
