Download download Mod pack 'Grand Jura Map'

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5 Comments for Grand Jura Map

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  1. vortex1988 20. 09 2016

    This is a great map, but I have found a bug whit colza, after having reaped, in the field remains high as if it had been reaped.
    This is an image of my problem:
    How I Solve this??

  2. fabian135 18. 03 2016


    if I press j,n,k,m on my keybord then the game freeze.
    my friends have that also
    can you fix this please?

  3. Ciondolo 02. 03 2016

    How does the wood factory work? How to refuel the fuel? and where? thank's for reply

  4. Zitoun22 29. 02 2016

    bravo la traduction des fruits avec translate qui dit que de la merde.

    RAPS n'est pas du VIOL mais du COLZA.

    1 replies

  5. Bud Modding 28. 02 2016

    Hi guys,

    I'm swiss but i can't speak german, it's a shame i know :X

    But i wish thanks you all for all your constructives comments. (thank you google translate)

    Good Game.

    Team Bud Modding
