When the map loading screen comes up there is no loading message down at the bottom. Also it is somewhat confusing on what mods I need in and the mods I need to move out. If I have the soilmod in, I have to remove manure mod?
Hello, beautiful card, I do not fully understand how to install Version soil mod: which files you should not put, and is what the logo with ph should appear at the bottom of the screen. can you tell which file I need to mod soil and those who should not be. can one of Garger suvegarde another map or is it all over again. Thank you
3 Comments for Landwehrkanal
When the map loading screen comes up there is no loading message down at the bottom. Also it is somewhat confusing on what mods I need in and the mods I need to move out. If I have the soilmod in, I have to remove manure mod?
Hello, beautiful card, I do not fully understand how to install Version soil mod: which files you should not put, and is what the logo with ph should appear at the bottom of the screen. can you tell which file I need to mod soil and those who should not be. can one of Garger suvegarde another map or is it all over again. Thank you
Thank you very much for this wonderfull map!
Will be making many hours on it for sure like on two rivers