Download download Mod 'FahrsiloExtension'

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4 Comments for FahrsiloExtension

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  1. Are there 2 stages of fermenting with this ? I uncovered the bunker and it still looks green , not brown and it won't let me dump it at the BGA .Can someone please explain ?

  2. I cannot seem to empty the bunker at the BGA into the 'grinder' . Bucket fills, but when I try to empty it won't. Iron Horse map . is it something I did wrong ?

  3. sootysax 15. 01 2015

    I am having trouble understanding what you are supposed to put in the bunker in order to create silage?

    I see that if you use 100% grass, it will not turn into silage, but seems to become hay.

    Forgive me, I only speak english, and google translate does not do a perfect job translating the comments and description above.

    1 replies

  4. jester640 06. 11 2014

    Super Super super!!!
    Finally the mods are starting to flow from the great upside down.This mod was one of the best for fs13 and now we have it for our new fs15.Many thanks upside down,your mods make our farming world so much better. 5/5 stars
