do modders get paid per download when they have host thier maps? ive given probably $100 to over the years and im wondering if the modders are getting a cut?
Sooo..sure you have a great map there..we are going to download 500mb from uploaded, which takes forever,then we are going to wait for 3 hrs to download another pack...which takes forever, so estimated 5 hours from you start downloading, that`s what you are thinking, right ?
This is what I`m thinking: How about people stop using that shady uploaded site, which is a scam if you pay for an account, and use direct download instead, add a "Donate" button and people that like the mods are happy to donate.
Are you using the free download option? Yes, that is a horror when you download a map. Welcome to the world of commerce! Subscribe for a month and download at high speed! That is the game boys! I am so totally done with this kind of complaining, even though you are right, don't get me wrong, but there's always the option NOT to download! And a donate button is not going to work. My guess is that only 30% of the users will donate. Like you said, and I quote: "People that like the mods are happy to donate". Not everybody likes the same mods. And because they have made a donation they will be more picky about the mods. More little babies who won't stop crying!
@Brainstick I can see your point and i defenitly agree... But in my opinion there is one problem that leaves me with not downloading the map:
The Map might be very good as it seems depending on the pictures... but I wont download a map for like 3 to 4 hours. Thats my opinion and i dont think im the only one thinking like that. And please stop being that offensive just because someone doesnt agree with you.
No offence, Brainstick, but I don`t think your comment was very well thought-through, first: Why not use a site that isn`t known for ripping people of, and with less restrictions on how often you can download (for free users), and even with more stable bandwidth ?
Also: Maybe only 30 % will donate, but so what, the modder will still earn more from those 30 % than from the players downloading from uploaded, plus I`m sure more people would download, so the real number may be even 10 % higher. People that donate are people that are amazed by a mod, they donate more the more they like a mod. And as you said, there are options: if they don`t like the continuance on a mod they stop donating, other than that they should expect a mod to be error-free so it doesn`t ruin their game.
A perfect example of how and why the donation system actually work is the Unix and Linux systems, very few people complain, they are just excited to see how it develops, and that they have taken part in building good scripts, programs and operating systems. Why should it be different here, if the modder used the income wisely he would use it not only to get a little cash for his effort, maybe he would buy exclusive high-quality 3d models, textures etc, and maybe even he/she used a bit of those money to donate into something useful made by other modders etc, etc, this could result in some pretty awesome mods for FS.
2 Comments for Gorale
do modders get paid per download when they have host thier maps? ive given probably $100 to over the years and im wondering if the modders are getting a cut?
Sooo..sure you have a great map there..we are going to download 500mb from uploaded, which takes forever,then we are going to wait for 3 hrs to download another pack...which takes forever, so estimated 5 hours from you start downloading, that`s what you are thinking, right ?
This is what I`m thinking: How about people stop using that shady uploaded site, which is a scam if you pay for an account, and use direct download instead, add a "Donate" button and people that like the mods are happy to donate.
100% agree! really hate that download site
U sir,have said,what i was thinking!
who determines if a mod gets on the modhoster high speed download or not?
Are you using the free download option? Yes, that is a horror when you download a map. Welcome to the world of commerce! Subscribe for a month and download at high speed! That is the game boys! I am so totally done with this kind of complaining, even though you are right, don't get me wrong, but there's always the option NOT to download! And a donate button is not going to work. My guess is that only 30% of the users will donate. Like you said, and I quote: "People that like the mods are happy to donate". Not everybody likes the same mods. And because they have made a donation they will be more picky about the mods. More little babies who won't stop crying!