Download download Mod 'Gorale'

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4.46 / 24 Votes


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2 Comments for Gorale

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  1. sootysax 27. 01 2016

    do modders get paid per download when they have host thier maps? ive given probably $100 to over the years and im wondering if the modders are getting a cut?

    1 replies

  2. Totenfarmer 26. 01 2016

    Sooo..sure you have a great map there..we are going to download 500mb from uploaded, which takes forever,then we are going to wait for 3 hrs to download another pack...which takes forever, so estimated 5 hours from you start downloading, that`s what you are thinking, right ?
    This is what I`m thinking: How about people stop using that shady uploaded site, which is a scam if you pay for an account, and use direct download instead, add a "Donate" button and people that like the mods are happy to donate.

    4 replies

    1. masteropa 26. 01 2016

      100% agree! really hate that download site

    2. hondarghini 26. 01 2016

      U sir,have said,what i was thinking!

    3. sootysax 27. 01 2016

      who determines if a mod gets on the modhoster high speed download or not?

    4. Brainstick 27. 01 2016

      Are you using the free download option? Yes, that is a horror when you download a map. Welcome to the world of commerce! Subscribe for a month and download at high speed! That is the game boys! I am so totally done with this kind of complaining, even though you are right, don't get me wrong, but there's always the option NOT to download! And a donate button is not going to work. My guess is that only 30% of the users will donate. Like you said, and I quote: "People that like the mods are happy to donate". Not everybody likes the same mods. And because they have made a donation they will be more picky about the mods. More little babies who won't stop crying!

      2 replies
