Brilliant great work as always from you 5/5 stars from me and to make it better it's before the weekend. But I have to ask is anything planned for my beloved paradise ?
Hi, I just down loaded the map, and really like it but I can find the land purchase points. I went to all the areas where the markers are suppose to be abd din't find and I also check the entire map. Have you got them hid? lol
6 Comments for Agrarfrost
Where can I sell pigs/rind? Cause I cant find.
Brilliant great work as always from you 5/5 stars from me and to make it better it's before the weekend. But I have to ask is anything planned for my beloved paradise ?
The update to the map Paradise is almost ready. Just missing review.
Never mind I found them finally. lol
Hi, I just down loaded the map, and really like it but I can find the land purchase points. I went to all the areas where the markers are suppose to be abd din't find and I also check the entire map. Have you got them hid? lol
same problem whit water mode, agrarfrost and paradise maps seems to have a problem whit this mod but in core city this is working.
wenn ich die map laden will schmiert mein spiel immer ab kann mir da jemand helfen bitte