Download download Mod 'Mercedes Unimog 1600 4 variants'

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1 Comments for Mercedes Unimog 1600 4 variants

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  1. tjdinmaine 25. 12 2016

    Absolutely GREAT model....Really, BEAUTifully modeled...dont let these rude *ssh*l*s take the fun out of it for you. Unforunately i get a .Lua call stack error a mile long, and when i try to use it my frames drop from 140+, to around 10-11...PLEASE ignore these rude folks and work out the few bugs...Perhaps some of the more knowledgeable modders in the community could reach out and try to fix this lovely machine...Thank you for your many hours of effort to bring this to us!...It is greatly appreciated even if some of these comments would seem otherwise.
