Download download Mod 'Claas Lexion 780 TT Stage IV 2017'

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6 Comments for Claas Lexion 780 TT Stage IV 2017

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  1. ciggy001 16. 05 2017

    Any updates on this beast?

  2. hi dear, I tried your Lexion 700 Stage IV but i find a smallest problem... the attached of the cutter it's above respect the cutter herself...I use the MacDon cutter, I tryed to modify the attacher joint of the cutter in the Giants editor but nothing results... for all the other things, it's ok!

  3. Kodijack 05. 02 2017

    Nice work so far!
    What's the difference between the 780, 777 and 7XX. I find no difference except the label itself. Engine and Price are all the same.

  4. Sythos 05. 02 2017

    great mod, just 13,5m grain header produce a weird particle jitter on right side of combine, like floating (was oats when i've seen, not tested with other fruits)

  5. LS_JiraCz 05. 02 2017

    Hey all. I´m cancelling with relase next versions of Lexion 700 series. You can say thanks to Czech Modding LS (Lexik CZ). He used my ingame and relased his edit. This is last what he did

    Hey alle. Ich bin mit Abbrechen relase nächsten Versionen der Lexion 700-Serie. Man kann sagen, dank Tschechische Modding LS (Lexik CZ). Er benutzte meine ingame und relased seine bearbeiten. Dies ist schließlich das, was er tat

    2 replies

    1. Sythos 05. 02 2017

      please, rethink about and continue your work, will be surely better thana duped one

    2. Andersen98 05. 02 2017

      i think you work is better than his work is! so i will be sad if you stop this good work mate i hope you do as Sythos says Rethink about it and continue your work

  6. H4nnib4l22 05. 02 2017

    Nice work, but the Grain Tank unfolding is not correct :D
