Download download Map 'Po Valley'

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3 Comments for Po Valley

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  1. Flywheel 13. 02 2013

    HI there, i think this is the best map i have come across, in farming simulator, i really do hope that you keep interested in this map, and fine tune it. If it needs it of course! -:) I see folks are putting there wish list for a next or final version, so let me say a couple of things.

    On this lovely large map i would like to see, next to all three silo setups, large holding silos,(something like a silo plex) as this has massive fruit to store, and it would be good if it looked a little more realistic. The same for Potaoes and Sugarbeet, it unloads okay, but needs a much bigger looking warehouse and maybe a unloading grate in front of each.

    Please these are no complaints, just thoughts, i really , really like this map and it will be my farming home for a long time i think. Thank you Peter

  2. Flywheel 11. 02 2013

    Down loading now, thanks very much.Pete

  3. Wenger6 18. 01 2013

    Beste Map für LS 13 die ich je gesehen habe!!!
    Leider kann ich das Mischfutter nach dem Abladen im Speicher, nicht mehr aufladen. Gibt es da eine Möglichkeit???
    Nochmals die Map ist absolute Spitze!!! Bitte weitermachen.

    1 replies
