Awesome Karte! Ich möchte die Kuh-Zone zu erweitern, aber ich kann nicht scheinen, das Kuh-Nav-Gitter zu finden. Mich ich Frage, wo es unter den Scenegraph befindet?
I have a probelm, When I start a new game and play everything is ok, but when I close the game and enter again to continue my game i can't switch with Tab key to the vehicles that i purchased before, only to the vehicles that I purchase when I continue the game.
Game log:
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 2 invalid Animal Type pig
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 3 invalid Animal Type pig
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 4 invalid Animal Type pig
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 5 invalid Animal Type beef
error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/realisticStartSettings.xml'
Error: LUA running function 'update'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/MapSiloBand.lua(129) : attempt to concatenate global 'ErrorTxt' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/MapSiloBand.lua(129) : attempt to concatenate global 'ErrorTxt' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/MapSiloBand.lua(129) : attempt to concatenate global 'ErrorTxt' (a nil value
.88 Map is very broken wont work for me and running RC1 patch through steam Only have items found in download and map buyable objects
this is the error i have
D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/CutterAreaEvent.lua(77) : attempt to call field 'cutFruitArea' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
i have the mac version of farming simulator, and when i save the game, close and then restart the savegame, the application crash.... until i delete the savegame...
too bad, because the map it's very great and well done!
Unmöglich d verwendet die Karte MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle-Region oder gar keine andere Version dieser Karte mein Giant Editor 5.0.3_32 - Bit Haltestellen arbeitete während des Ladens des Teils. Wie?
Can anyone help please? Having real problems downloading this map! I have tried all the version and its the same. I can download the map and extract it but it does not appear in the menu? Look a great map so help appreciated.
Does anyone else have problem with this map on dedicated servers?
We cant compact the chaff/silage and the chaff/silage bunkers dont go up when we dump in them.
This only happens on dedicated server.
I not did suspect that game's engine .dll's will comply with such long growing times,simply due to the fact that you got rotting incorporated in the game.But I did not anticipate game crashing.I changed mine to game reasonable right away.Still,bull gore remains a one of most innovative mod crafters out there
More game with this map and more I fall in love.
I usually use medium to small maps ... this is my first mega map.
This is the only one that allows me to play with the "real time" and NEVER get bored.
The fact that it is still "Beta" does that make me even more curious to eventually find the final.
Congratulations indeed!
Mehr Spiel mit dieser Karte und mehr ich mich verliebe.
Normalerweise verwende ich mittlere bis kleine Karten ... dies ist mein erster mega Karte.
Dies ist die einzige, die mich mit der "Echtzeit" zu spielen und nie langweilig.
Die Tatsache, dass es immer noch "Beta" macht mich noch neugieriger zu finden schließlich das Finale.
Wie gehen Sie mit der Silage und Gras im Silo Bunker arbeiten. Ich habe jedes Gerät und Lader, die ich finden konnte, gekauft, und ich kippe abholen Gras oder Silage und steckte es in den BGA Müllcontainer. Ich kann nicht abholen alle Gräser oder Heu und in der Ration Mixers entweder.
How do you work with the Silage and grass in the silo bunkers. I have bought every implement and loader that I could find, and I cant pick up grass or silage and put it in the BGA dumpsters. I cant pick up any grasses or hay and place in the Ration Mixers either.
There is a problem with field 30 I have harvested the whole field but when I came to cultivate it the message you do not own this field came up in a lot of the field and random parts of it. Any ideas on why this is when you clear own the field as it's one you start with. Thanks
Congratulations to the author of this map.
Map superb for size, variety and realism.
I'm sure it will become a reference point for all maps of a higher category that will be in the future.
I can not wait to see it finished!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an den Autor der Karte.
Karte hervorragend für Größe, Vielfalt und Realismus.
Ich bin sicher, es wird ein Bezugspunkt für alle Karten einer höheren Kategorie, die in der Zukunft sein wird.
Hello and greetings from Canada. I really like this map, actually have been playing the last two beta versions before v0.8. I have spent numerous hours into these maps and have unfortunately not much to show for it, it keeps wiping out my Vehicles.xml in my savegames.
Anyway , I feel really stupid, but need help. How do you work with the Silage and grass in the silo bunkers. I have bought every implement and loader that I could find, and I cant pick up grass and put it in the BGA dumpster. I cant pick up any grasses or hay and place in the Ration Mixers either. What am I doing wrong ??
Great Map and thank you for all your hard work, much appreciated.
Hallo und Grüße aus Kanada. Ich mag diese Karte tatsächlich gespielt haben die letzten beiden Beta-Versionen vor v0.8. Ich habe viele Stunden in diese Karten ausgegeben und haben leider nicht viel für sie zu zeigen, hält es auszulöschen meine Vehicles.xml in meine Savegames.
Wie auch immer, ich fühle mich wirklich dumm, aber Hilfe benötigen. Wie gehen Sie mit der Silage und Gras im Silo Bunker arbeiten. Ich habe jedes Gerät und Lader, die ich finden konnte, gekauft, und ich kippe abholen Gras und steckte es in die BGA Müllcontainer. Ich kann nicht abholen alle Gräser oder Heu und in der Ration Mixers entweder. Was mache ich falsch?
Große Karte und danke für all die harte Arbeit, sehr geschätzt
38 Comments for MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
Awesome Karte! Ich möchte die Kuh-Zone zu erweitern, aber ich kann nicht scheinen, das Kuh-Nav-Gitter zu finden. Mich ich Frage, wo es unter den Scenegraph befindet?
Wo kann ich verkaufen, die Mittel? Danke
excuse me, where is the selling trigger for the bales? i can't find it anywhere
I have a probelm, When I start a new game and play everything is ok, but when I close the game and enter again to continue my game i can't switch with Tab key to the vehicles that i purchased before, only to the vehicles that I purchase when I continue the game.
Game log:
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 2 invalid Animal Type pig
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 3 invalid Animal Type pig
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 4 invalid Animal Type pig
Error: LUA running function 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/SchweineZucht.lua(505) : bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 5 invalid Animal Type beef
error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/realisticStartSettings.xml'
Error: LUA running function 'update'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/MapSiloBand.lua(129) : attempt to concatenate global 'ErrorTxt' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/MapSiloBand.lua(129) : attempt to concatenate global 'ErrorTxt' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
C:/Users/yovel/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle/map01/scripts/MapSiloBand.lua(129) : attempt to concatenate global 'ErrorTxt' (a nil value
Why does the map isn't working? Im trying to run a new game and the map dosn't launch...
Any idea why I cant use a forage harvester on the corn have tried afew. everything else works fine
Awesome Karte. Habe ich nur eine Sache, aber und das ist Funktionieren der wiegen-Stationen oder Waage nicht? Tipps, wie man dieses Problem beheben?
.88 Map is very broken wont work for me and running RC1 patch through steam Only have items found in download and map buyable objects
this is the error i have
D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/CutterAreaEvent.lua(77) : attempt to call field 'cutFruitArea' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
I love this map!
I love her from the first version!
Everything is great.
Everything is too.
Can not get bored!
I have begun, continued, re started, continued and started many many times .. and I am NOT NEVER bored.
As a lover.
Mig Map, I love you!
great map! i've only found a problem.
i have the mac version of farming simulator, and when i save the game, close and then restart the savegame, the application crash.... until i delete the savegame...
too bad, because the map it's very great and well done!
Unmöglich d verwendet die Karte MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle-Region oder gar keine andere Version dieser Karte mein Giant Editor 5.0.3_32 - Bit Haltestellen arbeitete während des Ladens des Teils. Wie?
Can anyone help please? Having real problems downloading this map! I have tried all the version and its the same. I can download the map and extract it but it does not appear in the menu? Look a great map so help appreciated.
Does anyone else have problem with this map on dedicated servers?
We cant compact the chaff/silage and the chaff/silage bunkers dont go up when we dump in them.
This only happens on dedicated server.
Hi all.
Can someone please tell me how to fill the liquid manure storage sites please.
I not did suspect that game's engine .dll's will comply with such long growing times,simply due to the fact that you got rotting incorporated in the game.But I did not anticipate game crashing.I changed mine to game reasonable right away.Still,bull gore remains a one of most innovative mod crafters out there
More game with this map and more I fall in love.
I usually use medium to small maps ... this is my first mega map.
This is the only one that allows me to play with the "real time" and NEVER get bored.
The fact that it is still "Beta" does that make me even more curious to eventually find the final.
Congratulations indeed!
Mehr Spiel mit dieser Karte und mehr ich mich verliebe.
Normalerweise verwende ich mittlere bis kleine Karten ... dies ist mein erster mega Karte.
Dies ist die einzige, die mich mit der "Echtzeit" zu spielen und nie langweilig.
Die Tatsache, dass es immer noch "Beta" macht mich noch neugieriger zu finden schließlich das Finale.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch der Tat!
Wie gehen Sie mit der Silage und Gras im Silo Bunker arbeiten. Ich habe jedes Gerät und Lader, die ich finden konnte, gekauft, und ich kippe abholen Gras oder Silage und steckte es in den BGA Müllcontainer. Ich kann nicht abholen alle Gräser oder Heu und in der Ration Mixers entweder.
How do you work with the Silage and grass in the silo bunkers. I have bought every implement and loader that I could find, and I cant pick up grass or silage and put it in the BGA dumpsters. I cant pick up any grasses or hay and place in the Ration Mixers either.
There is a problem with field 30 I have harvested the whole field but when I came to cultivate it the message you do not own this field came up in a lot of the field and random parts of it. Any ideas on why this is when you clear own the field as it's one you start with. Thanks
Congratulations to the author of this map.
Map superb for size, variety and realism.
I'm sure it will become a reference point for all maps of a higher category that will be in the future.
I can not wait to see it finished!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an den Autor der Karte.
Karte hervorragend für Größe, Vielfalt und Realismus.
Ich bin sicher, es wird ein Bezugspunkt für alle Karten einer höheren Kategorie, die in der Zukunft sein wird.
Ich kann nicht warten, um zu sehen, es fertig!
Hello and greetings from Canada. I really like this map, actually have been playing the last two beta versions before v0.8. I have spent numerous hours into these maps and have unfortunately not much to show for it, it keeps wiping out my Vehicles.xml in my savegames.
Anyway , I feel really stupid, but need help. How do you work with the Silage and grass in the silo bunkers. I have bought every implement and loader that I could find, and I cant pick up grass and put it in the BGA dumpster. I cant pick up any grasses or hay and place in the Ration Mixers either. What am I doing wrong ??
Great Map and thank you for all your hard work, much appreciated.
Hallo und Grüße aus Kanada. Ich mag diese Karte tatsächlich gespielt haben die letzten beiden Beta-Versionen vor v0.8. Ich habe viele Stunden in diese Karten ausgegeben und haben leider nicht viel für sie zu zeigen, hält es auszulöschen meine Vehicles.xml in meine Savegames.
Wie auch immer, ich fühle mich wirklich dumm, aber Hilfe benötigen. Wie gehen Sie mit der Silage und Gras im Silo Bunker arbeiten. Ich habe jedes Gerät und Lader, die ich finden konnte, gekauft, und ich kippe abholen Gras und steckte es in die BGA Müllcontainer. Ich kann nicht abholen alle Gräser oder Heu und in der Ration Mixers entweder. Was mache ich falsch?
Große Karte und danke für all die harte Arbeit, sehr geschätzt