Download download Mod 'Euro Agrar Multifruit'

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  1. boertje31 02. 02 2016

    tolles map aber ein frage der sonnenblumen konte nicht abholen mit der case combine

    1 replies

  2. casper9128 25. 10 2015

    hi there can anyone help me, i am at a loss as to why iam getting these errors,

    Farming Simulator 15
    Version: 1.4.1RC2
    Available Languages: en fr es it nl pt
    Language: en
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Mod directory: C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
    Load dlc: pdlc_itRunnerPack
    Load dlc: pdlc_jcbPack
    Load mod: AAA_UniversalProcessKit
    Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
    Load mod: CaseIHPuma165cvx
    Load mod: EAMap
    Load mod: Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack
    Load mod: Kotte_Universal_Pack
    Load mod: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper
    Load mod: MapAmpeln
    Load mod: MoneyMod15
    Load mod: placeableCarWash_V1_1
    Load mod: ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
    Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_EAMap
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftTrailer
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainer
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerTrailer
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerDynamicMountAttacher
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerManureBarrel
    Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerManureSpreader
    Register vehicle type: CaseIHPuma165cvx.Case_Puma165
    Register fruit type: woodChips on: ...
    *** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
    Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on
    Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on
    Script ViehMarkt v2.0.0-95b by Marhu loaded! Support on
    Script SchweineZucht v5.0.0-107 by Marhu loaded! Support on
    SPYcam Script v1.0.1 loaded!
    Register filltype: H-Milch/UHT milk
    Register vehicle type: EAMap.landRoverdefender
    Register vehicle type: EAMap.DodgeRamPickup
    Register vehicle type: Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.MANTGS_AT
    Register vehicle type: Fliegl_Animal_Transport_Pack.FlieglAT
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.Kotte_Universal_MAN
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversal
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalSemi
    Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalsmall
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper.UPKMANTGSTipper
    Register vehicle type: MAN_TGS_18440_Tipper.UPKFlieglTMKTipper
    Map: Ampel Trigger v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
    Map: TrafficLights 3er v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
    Map: TrafficLights 4er v2.0 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
    Euro-Agrar Map Version: v0.99.9
    loading AdditionalFruitTypes
    AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
    \__ Register fruitType: Sunflower (sunflower) [key 14]
    \__ Register fruitType: Mohn (mohn) [key 15]
    \__ Register fruitType: Oat (oat) [key 16]
    \____ Register windrowType: oat_windrow (oat_windrow)
    \______ ForageWagonConversion registered: oat_windrow -> wheat
    dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.23 ms)
    dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.24 ms)
    dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.21 ms)
    data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (15.86 ms)
    data/sky/rain.i3d (3.06 ms)
    data/sky/hail.i3d (1.73 ms)
    data/sky/dust.i3d (1.76 ms)
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//EAMap/Sky/dust.i3d (12.77 ms)
    Euro-Agrar Map v0.99 beta: Register Fill type: Wood Pellets, pig, pig, beef, beef, sheep, young sheep, fattened chicken, young chicken,
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//EAMap/map/EA.i3d (31956.84 ms)
    Script WoolPaletteCollector v2.2.1b by Marhu created id 379749! Support on
    Error: (SchweineZucht) invalid fillType pigForage in Trough
    Error: (SchweineZucht) invalid fillType pigForage in Trough
    Error: (SchweineZucht) invalid fillType pigForage in Trough
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'washedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'steamedPotato' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    Warning: Unkown fillType 'pigForage' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
    --- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.4 (by Blacky_BPG)---
    *** ChoppedStraw v15.0.05 specialization loading ***
    --- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_EAMap/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
    data/vehicles/tools/vaederstad/vaederstadTempoF8.i3d (74.70 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vaederstad/vaederstadTempoF8.i3d (10.08 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/vogelNoot/vogelNootTerraDisc600.i3d (48.21 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vogelNoot/vogelNootTerraDisc600.i3d (5.45 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/steyr/steyrMulti4115.i3d (103.88 ms)
    dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (696.25 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzFahr7250.i3d (83.73 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIH7130.i3d (113.37 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/caseIH/caseIH3412Corn.i3d (21.00 ms)
    data/vehicles/cutters/caseIH/caseIH3020Cutter.i3d (37.89 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/vaederstad/vaederstadRapidA600S.i3d (44.81 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vaederstad/vaederstadRapidA600S.i3d (2.78 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/thueringerAgrar/thueringerAgrarLeguan.i3d (17.42 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/ursus/ursus15014.i3d (64.53 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/liebherr/liebherrTL432_7.i3d (109.15 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/poettinger/poettingerEuroboss330T.i3d (55.72 ms)
    data/vehicles/balers/newHolland/newHollandRollBelt150.i3d (49.04 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/ursus/ursusT127.i3d (32.70 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/ursus/ursusN270.i3d (45.05 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/marshall/marshallST1800.i3d (33.07 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglTMK266Bull.i3d (41.18 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/kuhn/kuhnPrimor3570.i3d (29.27 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/waterTrailer/waterTrailer.i3d (31.37 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnFC3525F.i3d (35.10 ms)
    data/vehicles/telehandlers/lizard/telehandlerBaleFork.i3d (10.64 ms)
    data/vehicles/telehandlers/lizard/telehandlerManureFork.i3d (2.98 ms)
    data/vehicles/tools/fsi/fsiST65T.i3d (14.98 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/stepa/stepaFHL13AK.i3d (46.04 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT6160.i3d (87.67 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIHPuma160.i3d (73.49 ms)
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//EAMap/vehicles\LandRoverDefender_EA\landRoverdefender.i3d (1018.47 ms)
    data/vehicles/steerable/man/man22s.i3d (92.20 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/fliegl/flieglASS2101.i3d (37.51 ms)
    data/maps/models/objects/roundbales/roundbaleStraw_w112_d130.i3d (12.55 ms)
    data/placeables/highPressureWasher/kaercher/kaercherHDS918-4M.i3d (35.21 ms)
    --- loading placeableCarWash - specialization for placeable car wash by 112TEC|schwaki
    C:/Users/David/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//placeableCarWash_V1_1/placeableCarWash.i3d (252.14 ms)
    data/maps/models/objects/pallets/woolPallet.i3d (5.86 ms)
    dataS/character/player/playerCCT.i3d (15.49 ms)
    data/firstPerson/chainsaws/mcCulloch/mcCullochCS410.i3d (38.37 ms)

    1 replies

  3. zcrazy109871 08. 10 2015

    i just got the new version and i will not work so get this map fixed plz
    and even if you start the map up it crashes every time i get on it

    1 replies

  4. ringovik 01. 10 2015

    please fix it,its great map

  5. MSI GAMER 01. 10 2015

    cant buy anything, someone who know why?

    1 replies

  6. Sythos 30. 09 2015

    I've an issue with bundled rover, give each time i start drive an error about a missing "interactivecontrol" XML file, all other is great and work perfectly
