Download download Mod 'Gulle Container'

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3 Comments for Gulle Container

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  1. LucasB 07. 04 2011

    cooler mod lob an den modder

  2. olhund 07. 04 2011

    supper mods log txt clean i sp

  3. Dweepmaster 07. 04 2011

    Hey, i dont understand why you have fails in the log in Singleplayer. With me it is clean, i also spoke to some of my friends and they have problems too, but also some of them, also log is clean in SP.
    About the wheels, they are trying to make the cilinder work, so you can move it up and down, and maybe also a container with a front wheel, so it moves better behind a tractor ;)
    Im sure this mod needs some more work to get it perfect. If you have some tips/ ideas, please write me a message and i will pass them on to baddo.

