In my oppinion this is not a bad map at all, I think the layout is pretty good, and I really like the buildings, what makes me not being able to play on it is that the sheep husbandry is removed and therefore causes 4 call stack errors, which is an error that can cause any mod not to work rigth. What I think would be good if you are making a v2 would be just a little bit bigger map, so you could add sheep, 1 more sell point, maybe 2 more fields, a few "civilian" buildings and pedestrians, that would really do it, and make the map more lifelike :)
3 Comments for PGR map
I do v2 soon.I repair errors and do map bigger and ad sheep and ad a small vilage. ;)
In my oppinion this is not a bad map at all, I think the layout is pretty good, and I really like the buildings, what makes me not being able to play on it is that the sheep husbandry is removed and therefore causes 4 call stack errors, which is an error that can cause any mod not to work rigth. What I think would be good if you are making a v2 would be just a little bit bigger map, so you could add sheep, 1 more sell point, maybe 2 more fields, a few "civilian" buildings and pedestrians, that would really do it, and make the map more lifelike :)
There are a JD6930 with a frontloader :)
Works well.