Download download Mod 'Czech Map'

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2 Comments for Czech Map

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  1. Totenfarmer 28. 06 2015

    Great looking map, enjoying playing at it right now, a couple of mistakes with the road being to high, but that`s ok :)
    Couple of other problems, there is missing the trigger to buy saplings, and I can`t find the wood chips storage, plus the icons for the places in the map is way of the actuall locations.
    This is easy fixes for most people, but it ruins multiplayer if you edit your own map, so it would be nice to see an update on it, also more fellable trees would be good.

  2. onizhard 14. 04 2015

    äh, nicht das Fahrzeug gestartet wird, und ich, wie man mir starten, schneide ich das Gras mit den Zähnen ???
