Download download Mod 'Tunxdorf'

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17 Comments for Tunxdorf

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  1. BlackFox403 31. 01 2016

    This is one of the best and favorite maps my wife and I like to play. The map is well done with great detail and lots of extras. Really appreciate the time put into this map.

  2. kalo20111 17. 01 2016

    i have some problem whit potato-washer,its working( the reservoire spinning) but the panel not showing anything,plus that ca`t unload potatoes...

  3. Dal100 13. 01 2016

    hi the milk machine in the barn works , but it does not bring in more tubs for milk i only get one and move it and then its saying that there is still one there , anyone else had this problem

  4. kalo20111 20. 12 2015

    only one little suggestion for next upgrade--->if possible to upgrade fill level to compost is too little only 50k capacity

  5. Brainstick 19. 12 2015

    Super bedankt voor deze update! Fantastische map!
    Thanks so much for the update! It's a great map!

    1 replies

  6. Hi Mythic! This is an awesome map! I wish the trees, fences and streetlights were not rigid however! My workers keep getting stuck in different places.

    2 replies

  7. Gri144 07. 12 2015

    This is one of this best maps I have ever played on. Thank you.

  8. kalo20111 25. 11 2015

    pls fix field 10 there is bug texture ...half of the field is unworkable......

  9. kalo20111 23. 11 2015

    top fresh map for me,i found some small bugs:
    no place for water in BEEF shed and the door there has small issuie.
    ** check all barns when raining :)
    only one little suggestion: multyfruit need
    anyway 5 stars from me

  10. Nate76 08. 11 2015

    Well done tks for the hard work put into this map and freely given to a not so great community at times . plus plus on the english pdf tks again for your efforts for this community

  11. unregistered user 24. 10 2015

    Thank you for this map. I just started playing it and so far its great. Easy to get around and a nice balance between detail and playability. good frame rates on an Core i7 4770 & 750ti

  12. skenzer2000 03. 10 2015

    Amazing job, thank you! Great map with excellent features and the PDF manual is very well created. Top notch all around

  13. masteropa 01. 10 2015

    i started a new savegame but the mix feeder doesnt work should it be there when i start it? and yes i installed the mod

    1 replies

  14. masteropa 30. 09 2015

    hey Mythic, i really love this map! you did a great job but i have one big problem. im using a very low spec pc to run the game, i can run this map but when i use mods the game crashes and when i walk there is a lot of lag. so i was wondering if you could make a new version of this map but with lower texture grass and other foliage so i can run this map on my pc and play it. if you do, thanks a lot!

  15. Djeyser 29. 09 2015

    Yes i did download all the mods asking map and went without work.

  16. Djeyser 28. 09 2015

    Hello , the map was very good , the mix more feeder is not working when i press Left Ctrl + M + F nothing happens can I say What to Do lack Some mod ?

    1 replies

  17. Barisch 27. 09 2015

    also was mich stört ist das beim dreschen egal welches Feld die fps so stark rukeln und runter gehen als ob da was nicht stimmt das habe ich nur auf der map
